the thread about nothing...

Helped an office find rhe 22 cents that was recouped from them.

What have you losers done today

Hashtag employee of the decade
Hashtag saving the world

Got home from work at 3am.

Woke at 8am to push mom's beater car to the street for junkyard tow truck to take.

Slept a few hours more.

Woke at 1:30 to eat tacos and pick up handicap nephew from school bus.

Home with him until sister picks him up.
Would go for her because that is not real fried rice.
Got home from work at 3am.

Woke at 8am to push mom's beater car to the street for junkyard tow truck to take.

Slept a few hours more.

Woke at 1:30 to eat tacos and pick up handicap nephew from school bus.

Home with him until sister picks him up.

Wow. Good son and uncle

(Tips hat)
You might be onto something.

Open table question for TAN.

Would you be okay with a girl your cohabiting with couldn't cook a meal?
No, I wouldn't. I'm not trying to sound sexist, either.

I believe everyone should know how to cook at least a couple of simple meals. If you got looks and you can't cook AT ALL. Idk about that one.

(I'd invest my time in teaching her how to cook, though:nerd::smokin)
You might be onto something.

Open table question for TAN.

Would you be okay with a girl your cohabiting with couldn't cook a meal?
He’ll nah not ok don’t want noodles all my life better get yo *** up and take cooking classes or some or she better be rich to go out to restaurants 3x a day lol
Cooking is a life skill both men and women should know how to do.

It brings people together in your home or whatever you may be doing.(bbq, potluck etc)

As much as ilike going to nice restaurants, but I appreciate when a person can put effort in their dish and serve it to a guest.

If the budget allows for it, I would prefer to cook a meal for our guests than buy food. It's fun and I enjoy it.
I feel like less girls in our generation know how to cook

It would bother me only I don't know how to cook either.. I can't expect something from someone else I don't demand of myself

I know a couple that are newly married with kids... Once they started popping out kids they began to learn how to cook
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