the thread about nothing...

I've never had Henny before. Don't @ me
Tbh G... My pops not level headed enough and never was.. I know if there wasnt any cops there he would've ended buddy's life.. He showed me his mugshot and dude looks the same age as me...

Good thing **** didn’t escalate further. Never know what this situation could’ve snowballed into.
Anyone here signed up on a SuberBowl board?If so,how much are you paying per square?I run a 100 square board at $25 a square,but I’ve heard of 100 square boards at $10,000 a square!

Watching a soccer game at the school near my house. It’s a Chinese team vs a Mexican team. Usually both teams are Hispanics. Reminds me of this Chinese movie Shaolin Soccer. It’s a funny *** movie if you get Chinese humor.
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