the thread about nothing...


:rofl: yes, plenty of 26 year olds take shots of themselves posing in speedos with ridiculous Team America bikes in the middle of fall.
I just had the biggest nightmare ive had in a long time...... I dreamt that i was with this hot chick and she told me to take her car a(stick shift) and meet her up at her crib and she took another car.......i couldn't get the car started cause it was stick and i didn't know how to turn it on..... and she had already left ahead i was in some garage for a hotel and thought about telling one of the valets to turn it on for me... I know how to drive it tho shift on time clutch etc . Just not started i woke up youtubed the videos on how to. And don't get ****.
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Is anybody following the stuff going on with Lance Armstrong? I kinda feel bad for the guy.
Yeah, it's a shame. Is the evidence against him that heavy?
Yeah enough that he stepped down as chairman today from Livestrong as well as Nike dropping him today. Trek also disowned him.
Is anybody following the stuff going on with Lance Armstrong? I kinda feel bad for the guy.
Yea it sucks man, and knowing that pretty much everyone in the sport is doped up makes it even worse
I just hope it doesn't affect his livestrong foundation :smh:

I hate people who tail gate one day ima slam on the ******g breaks and cop a new whip Courtesy of them.
These BET Hip Hop awards cyphers got so trash this year. They tried to make them all crew/label oriented, the only "crew" worth seeing last year was Slaughterhouse. Nobody wants to see a damn Grand Hustle cypher. I wanna see some dudes actually spittng! I know music on the radio should be about "listenablity" and musicality, but in a cypher I want dudes who spit FIRE.
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