the thread about nothing...

Morning tan. Got a decent amount of sleep last night. Feel ok. Too bad i have to go to a concert tonight.
My dad hit me with the "would you go to a concert with me" like FOREVER ago. And i was like i mean if no one else will i will. Like im a nice guy sure why not. Come to find out later he basically asked everyone to go to the concert with him and its going to be me, my step mom, my sister, her bf, my brother and his gf....all to go see MUSE...who like honestly i don't even like.

But i figure il have a few beers enjoy some family time...but had he said "hey want to go to muse with the family?" id be like ok.
My only struggle is getting up and having to layer up because it’s so cold

It’s April tho so the struggle is almost over
My boy bought out the theatre to see endgame

Got invited :pimp:

Always wondered how much do people pay when they buy out the theatre?

If you just buy every ticket, the theatre still losing a ton of money on food and drinks where the real good margins are
Its so hard to give a damn about anything at work when I know I'm getting ready to leave. They better not ask me to do ****
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