the thread about nothing...

This should put me to sleep.
I need help sleeping man. I seem to start dozing off and then my body like starts to fight it and I wake up again. Can’t seem to shut my brain off. I think of the most random ****. Went to bed around 9 and it was 11 and I was still up, alarm was set for 2:30am smh
Been sick since Monday
I’m hoping today the last day of it.
Called off sick and went on a 3 mile run yesterday to sweat it out. I was dying lol
It sucks when people throwing you under the bus.
Dont understand why some people get so personal at work.
We're here to work and get our job done.
Speaking of being thrown under the bus. Another manager just did so to our executives.

I was this close to saying something to him in the hallway. Totally misconstrued what was agreed upon yesterday and snitched saying my department refused to do the work. Hail no.
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