the thread about nothing...

Do the Video Chat/Interview. Those hiring events are a waste of time. Probably hundreds of people going to show up. Unless they guarantee you an interview with the main hiring manager 1 on 1 instead of just looking at you up and down and talk non sense. If they're serious, they would ask you to go in for a more professional interview.
I went to some job fairs in college and they were all a gigantic waste of time. I really think the chances of getting hired at those kinds of events are extremely low
So me and the fam moved a handful of months back. We now have stairs inside of our home.

The very first thing we buy after officially signing the papers to for the new place was a gate for the top of the stairs.

The very first thing I do on the day we move in is put up the gate. I had a drill, but I lost the phillips/flat head bit that came with it.

Go out and buy a drill. Get ready to get the gate up. Realize I have to install in drywall due to the way one of the walls by the stairs angles off as soon as the stairs end. I did not have bits to make predrilled holes so I figure I can make the holes with the screw provided, put the anchor in and be good to go. I was wrong.

After about an hour or so of playing with the plastic anchors I say screw it and head out to buy more anchors. I purchased a handful of different options but ended up using this heavy duty metal self drilling anchor. Note for all of you installing items into dry wall...don't use fat anchors. You're just making a hole that will be impossible to fill in case the anchor ever gets loose.

As soon as I get one of them into the wall, I can see it's going to be a problem. It practically eats the dry wall. But it's sturdy. So I say screw it and get it all set up. The last 2 I put in, which are located at the top of the gate where it will swing, don't go in all that grand, but it looks like it will still hold fine. So I put the gate up and I immediately see these 2 anchors are kind of loose now that weight is applied. Not super loose, but there is wiggle on a JUST installed anchor. I know this will be a problem at some point, but was hopeful I'd get a fair amount of time out of it.

Fast forward to yesterday when I get home from work and the gate is flopping around...anchors are half way out the wall.

So I take out the metal anchors. Try using some plastic anchors but none of them are grabbing because the hole is too big. I put the gate up with plastic anchors and super long screws and call it a night.

As I mentioned earlier, with the way the wall angles off as soon as the stairs end I am left with no choice but to install the gate using the same area/holes.

So today after work I've got to figure out what to do here. Research is telling me that using a joint compound isn't a good idea as it simply won't be strong enough to reuse as a mounting wall. Ran into a video of how to repair a small hole in the wall and the guy used toothpicks to fill in the hole. Now toothpicks won't work for me because my hole is fairly wide, but dowels will work.

So, I go out and buy 1/2 inch dowels. I find the box cutter my cousin gave me about 12 years ago. And I start cutting that dowel down to size so it fits the hole perfectly.

Literally took about 45 minutes to cut down one dowel. Take some gorilla glue and apply it generously onto the dowel and shove it into the wall. Start on the 2nd dowel as that I let that dry up.

Boom, down to size...glue the bad boy and shove it into the wall.

Gate is now more secure than it ever was before.

I feel proud..and my hands hurt. And I'm ready for a beer.
Close to pulling the trigger. So what if it’s almost summer. $1400 :blush:

@ksteezy what say you??
Checkout falcon garments.

MTM leathers & cheaper than 1400. Some of the guys behind it were from Temple of Jawnz which I know DB thread brehs loved.
Low key i want to start running to work. I just don't think there's a shower in the facility so I'll have to find a gym that's close.
50 minutes according to Google. Only 2 miles. I just don't know if there's a legit trail. I'll check it out one day that I'm off.
2 miles x 2
You gotta run back home too.

If it was me I’m running at very a slow pace, especially if your running in this Texas heat!!!
You better stay hydrated and protect your skin with some sorta sunscreen.

Best time to run imo is at slightly during sundown or at night.
2 miles x 2
You gotta run back home too.

If it was me I’m running at very slow pace, especially if your running in this Texas heat!!!
You better stay hydrated and protect your skin with some sorta sunscreen.

Best time to run imo is at slightly during sundown or at night.
Honestly I'll probably catch an Uber back every day if i choose that route. I'm on my feet all day for work, no way could i run back.
Get yourself a road bike, fam.

Still get a good workout and won’t be as drenched in sweat if you ran instead and it’s a fun *** hobby. I love riding my Bianchi whenever I have the chance. Throw on a podcast or tunes and I’ll be flying down the streets or trails for miles without even noticing.

Old pic but here’s mine.
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50 minutes according to Google. Only 2 miles. I just don't know if there's a legit trail. I'll check it out one day that I'm off.
2 miles shouldn’t take 50 min to walk unless you walk really slow. I’m going to guess it’ll take about 30-35 min.
Honestly I'll probably catch an Uber back every day if i choose that route. I'm on my feet all day for work, no way could i run back.
Catch a Uber everyday? You must be ballin.
You better have more than one pair of really comfortable running shoes. One to run in, the other to work in.
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