the thread about nothing...

Friday. Working retail will have you appreciating weekend days off (and yes I know, technically Friday is not the weekend). Also sales wise, we tend to do better on Mondays moreso than Friday. People don't shop on Fridays like they used to...
When I arrived to work this morning, my supervisor and team lead pulled me into her office. I'm thinking its something bad.

They're switching me to another department, and informed me that I'm on schedule to be promoted, receive a raise and will be given the option to switch to a 4 day per week work scheduled in September.

That's awesome, man. Congrats!
Beautiful crane bird while walking.

Shot on an iPhone.
This one guy I work right next to only drinks club soda or energy drinks and I’ve never seen him eat lunch
So I'm in line to buy lunch at this Jamaican Spot, right? There's a family of 3 in front of me, a mom and 2 girls. The mom has the food and hands it to the older girl while the mom is getting out her wallet or whatever.
The girl is holding the plastic bag full of their food and drinks and she's just twisting and turning. In a few seconds the bag slips from her fingers and she just drops it. Apparently they got drinks in glass bottles because you just hear glass breaking and then the floor in front of the register is just covered in red. I didn't know exactly what was said but they got a second set of whatever they got in the first place at no extra charge.

I feel like they got real lucky. The girl was probably like 10-12 aka old enough to know better
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