the thread about nothing...

I'm so ready to move on from my current job. The amount of BS and loops I keep getting put through.

Boss even tried hinting of cutting my leave for next week to focus on the project.

Nah man, I've covered 4 different processes during this project and haven't taken any time off compared to some other counterparts and they still have yet to pull their weight.
Not sure how to handle humid weather.
It says its gonna be 90 degrees but its also gonna be raining lol
If you are going to judge someone based on what they wear or do for a living (without causing physical harm to others) how does that make you much better than a bigot?
This may be the worst attempt at a false equivalence I've ever seen. You can choose your profession or what you wear, in this case wearing a MAGA hat. A person can't choose what color their skin is.
This may be the worst attempt at a false equivalence I've ever seen. You can choose your profession or what you wear, in this case wearing a MAGA hat. A person can't choose what color their skin is.
When did I compare wearing a MAGA hat to what skin color a person is born with? You are reaching. If I see you wearing Nike, should I assume you co-sign swearshop labor? Probably not. Just like when I see someone wear a MAGA hat, I won't automatically assume they subscibe to all of Trump's ideologies.
When did I compare wearing a MAGA hat to what skin color a person is born with? You are reaching. If I see you wearing Nike, should I assume you co-sign swearshop labor? Probably not. Just like when I see someone wear a MAGA hat, I won't automatically assume they subscibe to all of Trump's ideologies.
Racism, is a form of bigotry. You said:

If you are going to judge someone based on what they wear or do for a living (without causing physical harm to others) how does that make you much better than a bigot?

If that's not comparing choosing to wear a hat to the skin color someone is born with then idk what is. Your creating false equivalences once again, if someone decides to wear any sort of nike, jordan, addidas etc that is fashion. As I said before, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. That is not the same as wearing a hat that carries a political message of bigotry. You wear the hat you're endorsing the message and baggage that comes with it. Simple as that.
Racism, is a form of bigotry. You said:

If that's not comparing choosing to wear a hat to the skin color someone is born with then idk what is. Your creating false equivalences once again, if someone decides to wear any sort of nike, jordan, addidas etc that is fashion. As I said before, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. That is not the same as wearing a hat that carries a political message of bigotry. You wear the hat you're endorsing the message and baggage that comes with it. Simple as that.
The problem is you are only looking at Trump's racist acts and labeling him as a bigot. He is also anti-illegal immigration, and illegal immigration is not something that someone is born with like skin color. Just because someone agrees with some of Trump's ideologies does not mean they agree with everything that he stands for. I am not in support of Trump, nor am I anti-Trump. He does not affect my day to day life and probably not your's either.
The problem is you are only looking at Trump's racist acts and labeling him as a bigot. He is also anti-illegal immigration, and illegal immigration is not something that someone is born with like skin color. Just because someone agrees with some of Trump's ideologies does not mean they agree with everything that he stands for. I am not in support of Trump, nor am I anti-Trump. He does not affect my day to day life and probably not your's either.
Even if they don't "agree" with all of his policies they are at least tolerant of them. This really isn't hard to understand and at this point, you're just being willfully ignorant. Not everyone has the privilege of not being affected by his policies like you.
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