the thread about nothing...

apparently ideal weight for a person 6'2 is between 144 and 190..

couldn't imagine being 145... haven't weighed that little since i was like 12

I've never understood that ,
I'm 6'2 and I couldn't imagine being under 210-220 :smh:




u mad?
I really need to quit smoking. I only smoke when I drink. I don't even smoke when I smoke weed. When i drink though I can't help but not have at least a few cigs. 
Those little insects that fly into the garbage
Left the door open for a sec and I'm seeing a couple flying around now. Gonna spray up this whole place tomorrow, they won't even know what hit em.
apparently ideal weight for a person 6'2 is between 144 and 190..

couldn't imagine being 145... haven't weighed that little since i was like 12
I've never understood that ,
I'm 6'2 and I couldn't imagine being under 210-220
Im 6'2 195, but i used to be a lot smaller. Years in the gym and such and lots of eating later though
I'm a shocker then... 6'2 159
, got a jim halpert body on me and started working out but first was just toning and now muscle is the hard part
edit: had to remove cause of some nudity, youtube :lol:

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

finally found the source of one of my old (and now future) avy's :lol:
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I'm a shocker then... 6'2 159
, got a jim halpert body on me and started working out but first was just toning and now muscle is the hard part
u gota eat a lot more.. im eating like 6 times a day now. i was 160 in my late teens. im around 185-190 now. fastass mutant metabolism an sht. 

if u work out and dont eat a lot all ur gona do is sculpt a 2mm layer of muscle over ur skeleton. u gota eat eat eat mc's for lunch, breakfast, dinner
I'm 5'10 and weigh about 148. But I'm a brolic skinny person, if that makes sense.
I'm a shocker then... 6'2 159:lol: , got a jim halpert body on me and started working out but first was just toning and now muscle is the hard part
i guess it depends on your frame... my shoulders are type wide so if i was that size i'll look like Bale in the Machinist
these rappers need to stay away from reality shows. scrappy n' jimmy i'm looking at you.
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i've seen it all up close, sht out the movies you'd be buggin

my cousin jujie, barely a juvie, lost it and turned on the oven

he wasn't playin, blew out the flame n started inhalin
barin a secret to deep to keep on the streets for sharin

wearin' the virus, acquired immune deficiency

dishin his dck in every thick promiscuous fish in the sea
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