the thread about nothing...

I just wasted 3hrs of my life watching white girl sority drama unfold in front of my eyes, hearing black men jokes, all while being going to bed..apparently if your a black male not in a white frat or if your not on a sports team your not a real black person
job interview in a couple hours... really don't feel like answering the generic *** questions i'm going to be asked
I just wasted 3hrs of my life watching white girl sority drama unfold in front of my eyes, hearing black men jokes, all while being going to bed..apparently if your a black male not in a white frat or if your not on a sports team your not a real black person

I could have told you that. These white girls dont really want a black dude, especially around other white people
Morning TAN Fambs!

Random (not really that)funny story.

I was in training at my last job, and some chick won some contest where 5 Hour Energy will come to your job and give everyone free 5HrE. We was talking about it and I told the girl sitting next to me, "Man, I ain't never won nothing..". I get up, got to the break room to buy some chips. I put my change in, pick my chips, the machine makes a little "dun-da dunn" chime. I look at the display, its "Winner!" and the maching proceeds to give me my chips all my money back.

True story.
job interview in a couple hours... really don't feel like answering the generic *** questions i'm going to be asked

Flip it on them and ask them questions. You'll be more engaged and it'll impress them. No matter what kind of job I interview for or even if it's just a meeting to network, I always come with a gang of questions. I end up only asking 2 or 3 of them, but it's always a good look to have some.
I dont feel like getting out of bed most days now. I need some positive stuff to happen in my life ASAP, outside of the usual "I'm alive with 3 square meals and not in poverty" stuff. I understand all that, but sometimes it just isnt enough as bad as that sounds.

Good luck on your interview bro.
job interview in a couple hours... really don't feel like answering the generic *** questions i'm going to be asked

Flip it on them and ask them questions. You'll be more engaged and it'll impress them. No matter what kind of job I interview for or even if it's just a meeting to network, I always come with a gang of questions. I end up only asking 2 or 3 of them, but it's always a good look to have some.

I learned this years ago and it is excellent advice. They can tell how interested you are in the position as you ask questions. O

I have to meet with the agency today who's going to prep me for the interview with the company I'm attempting to work for. Definitely praying I get this position as it will be a great start to my new career path.
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