the thread about nothing...

I want to skip my class so bad to watch Dortumund vs Real Madrid
you could just watch it during class?
Spittas in philly tonight gonna have to go check em hopefully kick it with em like the last 2x he came here. I still to smoke one with this man
Has anyone ever gotten this drunk. i was seriously shocked to see this.

Na......never that drunk

I've been drunker.

.34 BAC an hour after consumption. My doctor said it was a medical miracle I survived.

wth were you doing? injecting alcohol straight into your blood stream?

Or was this you?

Passed out Ina club/lounge and they jackets over me on the couch so I wouldn't get bounced .
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Bad is subjective to one's personal preferences and opinions I guess. Not my thing though. People with elitist mentalities defining themselves by brand names and logos. Not all, but that's the vibe I felt when in there. It's now what you wear, it's how you wear it. That thread is about reaching for a certain look, not about creating your own style. Cookie cutter, fads, what's hot now type of crap in magazines.
some of that stuff i couldnt picture anyone wearing...its just about the brand...some of those items are one rhinestone away from the womens department...
One time my coworker bet me $50 that I couldnt chug a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. So when I went to the club that night, I snuck the bottle in, and chugged the whole thing on the dance floor. It wasnt that hard, and I didnt think I was that drunk, then I took 5 shots of 151 and a shot of Southern Comfort.....then my boy came up to me, grabbed me up and told me I was dancing with my pants down. He took me over to a table and sat me down so I could get my **** together.

a few minutes later, another one of my boys saw me at the table, and tapped me on the shoulder, apparently I was sleeping in the club. I asked him to help me to the bathroom, he did. Instead of throwing up in the toilet, I locked myself in the stall, took my hoody, shirt and pants off, sat on the toilet and threw up on my clothes :smh:

2am hit, and I was sleep passed out in my drawls in the bathroom stall, when my boys came in telling me it was time to leave. I asked them to leave me there because I was going to sleep there overnight. Obviously that wasnt gonna fly, so they broke down the door, put my pants back on me and carried me to the car


I dont really drink liquor much anymore
Bro his hand is buried in that were tempted to take that :x
Son prolly was gaggin his throat with that hand earlier :smh:

wasn't going to eat it or nothing, just throw it in the trash or hide it, wanted to see dude reaction when he woke up.
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