the thread about nothing...

Ok,this ain't nuttin new 2 me as I been in and out of bad situations since I was a youngin...tommorow Im flyin to lauderdale to go to a program for like a month or 2... I'm tired of waking up wit subs...if I need something to wake up obviously I have a problem. So I am goin to get off of this med.

Salty, I'll miss 5 eagles games, sons of a archy, walkin dead, league, always sunny, and I'll be leaving my fantasy team in someone else's hand... But other than that

I'm going to get healthy, get right, and I got a sweet job lined up when I touch down, when I'm clean.

So I'll be gone for a few months maybe so good looking out on the LOLZ I'll b back tho ..
Good luck, man.
So bi-weekly can be used for every other week, or for twice a week?
Yep, we learn something new everyday.

Yesterday, I found out there is a political party called the Independent Party. I've been filling out surveys and all this other stuff for 4+ years with 'Independent' under the assumption I was saying I have no party affiliation. smh

Now I know!
lauged a little....for real bruh?
Donald Trump = douchebaggery at its finest.  
so he was supposed to drop this bombshell that would change the outcome of the race, what exactly was it??

and supposedly gloria alred has someone that wants to come forward to talk about a family court case involving mitt romney,they're just waiting for court documents to be unsealed, this is the lady that had the chicks come forward about tiger woods and all types of other nonsense... 
obama sonned trump at that correspondents dinner. sht was classic

starts at 3:08

i was dying when i saw this . his reference to celebrity apprentice 
hey as a former heroin addict i praise you for this, it takes alot of guts to admit you have a problem..i unfortunately still have to rely on the methadone clinic which in itself is  a bish to come off of, but ut works for me i attend na meetings 3 times a week, it took for a really good friend of mine to be killed execution style by some 40 yr old cholo who for some reason hated me cuz i wouldnt let him manipulate my best friend...

it also helps to have some sort of something in anything IMO..

good luck bro i applaud you for this, opiates are the worst and i wouldnt wish the withdrawals on not even my enemies.

Yeah Heroin is no joke and a terrible terrible thing. My girl's brother is in jail at the moment from crimes related to the drug and his addiction. Hopefully when he gets out in a year he is ready to start his life all over again. These years in jail will be his first time clean for an extended period of time in almost 10 years.

Folks are lucky though......all it takes is one time with drugs/perscription pills. My brother was a pro skater who was really talented, he died almost 10 years ago at age 20 just from trying something once while partying.

Is that thread that bad?

Bad is subjective to one's personal preferences and opinions I guess. Not my thing though. People with elitist mentalities defining themselves by brand names and logos. Not all, but that's the vibe I felt when in there. It's now what you wear, it's how you wear it. That thread is about reaching for a certain look, not about creating your own style. Cookie cutter, fads, what's hot now type of crap in magazines.
I hate the women I share an office with, she's 37 and acts like a high schooler :smh: :smh:
I think i can live off of egg and cheese sandwiches on a roll from the carts outside my office, whenever i cant decide i just grab this for 2.50 + an artic splash.
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I hate the women I share an office with, she's 37 and acts like a high schooler :smh: :smh:

Can you change of office? I mean if you hate her and if it's affecting your work...

It isn't effecting my work per-say, her personality is :x

She complains about everything.

Doesn't know when to shut up.

Gives her business all over the office.

Is one of the office sloots.

:smh: and basically my office manager told her she has one foot out the door.
Yeah Heroin is no joke and a terrible terrible thing. My girl's brother is in jail at the moment from crimes related to the drug and his addiction. Hopefully when he gets out in a year he is ready to start his life all over again. These years in jail will be his first time clean for an extended period of time in almost 10 years.
Folks are lucky though......all it takes is one time with drugs/perscription pills. My brother was a pro skater who was really talented, he died almost 10 years ago at age 20 just from trying something once while partying.
Bad is subjective to one's personal preferences and opinions I guess. Not my thing though. People with elitist mentalities defining themselves by brand names and logos. Not all, but that's the vibe I felt when in there. It's now what you wear, it's how you wear it. That thread is about reaching for a certain look, not about creating your own style. Cookie cutter, fads, what's hot now type of crap in magazines.
What's your brothers name if you don't mind me asking? I used to skate heavy just a few years ago
I hate the women I share an office with, she's 37 and acts like a high schooler
most women never leave highschool, they either get married or pregnant.

Repped when I get home pleighboi

Speaking of women.

I was talking to this female earlier today, and she texted something that I looked at felt like it didn't deserve a response so I didn't say anything.

Convo dies at that point so a few hours later she hits me up saying her phone died and she wanted to know if I answered her cause she didn't get it. I said no and she started a convo from there. After wards I realized she just ran game.

Had me like

:lol: :smh:
damn man youtube stay changing their homepage. now it's even harder to find videos to the channels you are subscribed to. why do they keep doing this?
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