the thread about nothing...

still don't. dont even remember what the hell was posted now. internet logic < my 8 year old nephew's

and that's a wrap from me on this foolishness.
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One time my coworker bet me $50 that I couldnt chug a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. So when I went to the club that night, I snuck the bottle in, and chugged the whole thing on the dance floor. It wasnt that hard, and I didnt think I was that drunk, then I took 5 shots of 151 and a shot of Southern Comfort.....then my boy came up to me, grabbed me up and told me I was dancing with my pants down. He took me over to a table and sat me down so I could get my **** together.
a few minutes later, another one of my boys saw me at the table, and tapped me on the shoulder, apparently I was sleeping in the club. I asked him to help me to the bathroom, he did.
Instead of throwing up in the toilet, I locked myself in the stall, took my hoody, shirt and pants off, sat on the toilet and threw up on my clothes

2am hit, and I was sleep passed out in my drawls in the bathroom stall, when my boys came in telling me it was time to leave. I asked them to leave me there because I was going to sleep there overnight. Obviously that wasnt gonna fly, so they broke down the door, put my pants back on me and carried me to the car

I dont really drink liquor much anymore
 I can't be laughing like this in class 
Why do people do wierd stuff with thier clothes when they're drunk?

My homegirl told me she got so **** faced, she turned the shower on, took all her clothes, put all her clothes back on execept her panties, and got in the shower.
Why do people do wierd stuff with thier clothes when they're drunk?

My homegirl told me she got so **** faced, she turned the shower on, took all her clothes, put all her clothes back on execept her panties, and got in the shower.

One of my dudes got into the shower fully clothed, washed himself with soap over his clothes , got out the shower, got undressed And went to bed :lol: :smh:
so i came across a flyers twitter zac rinaldo and supposly hes saying the nhl is tryng to change the rule of fighting to 10 fights per person a season. Man fighting it what makes hockey the sport it is today
Today's post about nothing is also about the commericiaization of breast cancer awareness, and why it offends me as a heterosexual male and lover of lady lumps.

Enjoy...(or ignore, either way it's here now)

* fittedwearer's note: Let me start this off by saying I have no vendetta against breasts or the saving of them through cancer research. In fact, as a heterosexual male, I think they're pretty damn cool. They can identify a female from a distance, hold some necklaces in place, make a pillow that mankind has yet to adequately duplicate, and when all else fails, double as two very good reasons to love my girlfriend . In fact, I'm probably the biggest supporter of them since sports bras, and as you will soon see, it is precisely this sentiment that leads me to write today's post. Let us begin.

In case you're colorblind or something, you've probably noticed a lot of pink items around lately. Pink shirts, pink hats, pink cleats and gloves on NFL players...I even noticed the President wearing one of those pink gel wristbands somewhat subtly tucked under jacket and sleeve during the debates recently. Rose-colored ribbons decorate the everything--yes, the everything--in observation of Breast Cancer Awareness month. It seems that companies and other groups everywhere are producing pink paraphernalia to raise awareness and money, and it's all going to breast cancer research and the foundations that support them. I think that's great.

Well, that was a short post.

Wait, that's not what's going on at all, is it?. Upon further review, my ruling is overturned...I think that sucks ***.

Of course, there are those entities who are doing the right thing, using their name and market presence to promote awareness of a horrible disease that needs a cure yesterday. More commonly, it's just the saddest of cash grabs...corporations just printing up a bunch of Pepto-colored **** that they just happen to sell in the month of October, the proceeds being donated directly into the profit margin. They might donate some token percentage like 10 or 15 percent to the cancer fighters, but that means the rest of it is a net gain made from breast cancer. Large profits are being generated from merchandise related to a near-incurable human flesh destroying disease. If that's not ****** up, there's no appropriate usage of the phrase.

Somewhere between the first pink-icing breast cancer awareness bake sale and special-edition 5 Hour Energy Pink Lemonade and Breast Cancer flavor, people have lost sight of where the awareness belongs. They're not even promoting breast cancer awareness using their product any more, they're promoting their products using breast cancer awareness. It's like the American flag post 9/11...thanks to different companies pimping the flag for profit, even if you were stricken with soap opera-level amnesia it was utterly impossible to not know what country you were in at any point from then until around 2006. It's happening more and more, and it really makes me sick.

I mean, it's not like I was born yesterday. I know that everything that can possibly be commericalized--love, sex, medicine, marriage, religious holidays, acheivements personal and professional--somehow will be. It's an unfortunate reality of the capitalist society and consumer culture in which we live...but damn, isn't there some kind of line? Are we really to the point where feigning interest in human suffering to move merchandise is an acceptable thing to do? It seems the solution to boost sales in the 3 days between the summer spending season and the holiday shopping rush is to slap a pink ribbon on something. It's inactivism of the most heinous kind...the kind with trendy, profitable souvenirs.

You really want to let people know you're down for the cause, Corporate America? Donate all--not "some", not "a portion", not "a percentage", all--the proceeds to the research. Sure, keep enough to generate more product that you can repeat the process as needed, but if you really cared, you would care all the way. Hell, there should be a law requiring that companies disclose the actual percentage of profits donated to the good fight just as loudly as they tout their involvement in the first place. Of course, if that was the case, a lot less corporations would concern themselves with the pink posturing...and I'm not sure it's not better that way. (Maybe people could even forego the overpriced ribbon'd product du jour and donate directly to the foundations, but that's asking for a lot, I know.)

Like I said, I have no problem with the concept. I'd like breast cancer to be cured just as soon as anyone else, and I think raising money and awareness (is there anybody really left who isn't aware of breast cancer...and how some extremely unlucky men can get it too, in case you didn't know?) for such an important cause is worthy of the highest praise. However, I also think raising money and awareness for yourself and just kinda giving breast cancer research a cut is worthy of equal condemnation...because when we're talking about *******, I take it very personally.
^I completely agree with what you're's BS, but there's nothing surprising about it. That's business and that's the world we live in. It's not the first time a noble cause has been exploited for profit and it won't be the last.
Today's post about nothing is also about the commericiaization of breast cancer awareness, and why it offends me as a heterosexual male and lover of lady lumps.

Enjoy...(or ignore, either way it's here now)

* fittedwearer's note: Let me start this off by saying I have no vendetta against breasts or the saving of them through cancer research. In fact, as a heterosexual male, I think they're pretty damn cool. They can identify a female from a distance, hold some necklaces in place, make a pillow that mankind has yet to adequately duplicate, and when all else fails, double as two very good reasons to love my girlfriend . In fact, I'm probably the biggest supporter of them since sports bras, and as you will soon see, it is precisely this sentiment that leads me to write today's post. Let us begin.

In case you're colorblind or something, you've probably noticed a lot of pink items around lately. Pink shirts, pink hats, pink cleats and gloves on NFL players...I even noticed the President wearing one of those pink gel wristbands somewhat subtly tucked under jacket and sleeve during the debates recently. Rose-colored ribbons decorate the everything--yes, the everything--in observation of Breast Cancer Awareness month. It seems that companies and other groups everywhere are producing pink paraphernalia to raise awareness and money, and it's all going to breast cancer research and the foundations that support them. I think that's great.

Well, that was a short post.

Wait, that's not what's going on at all, is it?. Upon further review, my ruling is overturned...I think that sucks ***.

Of course, there are those entities who are doing the right thing, using their name and market presence to promote awareness of a horrible disease that needs a cure yesterday. More commonly, it's just the saddest of cash grabs...corporations just printing up a bunch of Pepto-colored **** that they just happen to sell in the month of October, the proceeds being donated directly into the profit margin. They might donate some token percentage like 10 or 15 percent to the cancer fighters, but that means the rest of it is a net gain made from breast cancer. Large profits are being generated from merchandise related to a near-incurable human flesh destroying disease. If that's not ****** up, there's no appropriate usage of the phrase.

Somewhere between the first pink-icing breast cancer awareness bake sale and special-edition 5 Hour Energy Pink Lemonade and Breast Cancer flavor, people have lost sight of where the awareness belongs. They're not even promoting breast cancer awareness using their product any more, they're promoting their products using breast cancer awareness. It's like the American flag post 9/11...thanks to different companies pimping the flag for profit, even if you were stricken with soap opera-level amnesia it was utterly impossible to not know what country you were in at any point from then until around 2006. It's happening more and more, and it really makes me sick.

I mean, it's not like I was born yesterday. I know that everything that can possibly be commericalized--love, sex, medicine, marriage, religious holidays, acheivements personal and professional--somehow will be. It's an unfortunate reality of the capitalist society and consumer culture in which we live...but damn, isn't there some kind of line? Are we really to the point where feigning interest in human suffering to move merchandise is an acceptable thing to do? It seems the solution to boost sales in the 3 days between the summer spending season and the holiday shopping rush is to slap a pink ribbon on something. It's inactivism of the most heinous kind...the kind with trendy, profitable souvenirs.

You really want to let people know you're down for the cause, Corporate America? Donate all--not "some", not "a portion", not "a percentage", all--the proceeds to the research. Sure, keep enough to generate more product that you can repeat the process as needed, but if you really cared, you would care all the way. Hell, there should be a law requiring that companies disclose the actual percentage of profits donated to the good fight just as loudly as they tout their involvement in the first place. Of course, if that was the case, a lot less corporations would concern themselves with the pink posturing...and I'm not sure it's not better that way. (Maybe people could even forego the overpriced ribbon'd product du jour and donate directly to the foundations, but that's asking for a lot, I know.)

Like I said, I have no problem with the concept. I'd like breast cancer to be cured just as soon as anyone else, and I think raising money and awareness (is there anybody really left who isn't aware of breast cancer...and how some extremely unlucky men can get it too, in case you didn't know?) for such an important cause is worthy of the highest praise. However, I also think raising money and awareness for yourself and just kinda giving breast cancer research a cut is worthy of equal condemnation...because when we're talking about *******, I take it very personally.

No hate bc I appreciate your viewpoint, but this is the knock against this thread. Make a seperate thread so everybody can appreciate it
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