the thread about nothing...

My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man? :smh:
[COLOR=#red]if he taking care of him for 3 yrs food,clothes etc then its his..the kid going to look at him as dad so all that matter[/COLOR]
My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man?
"don't kill your girl"
My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man? 
This happened to my uncle. 17 years before he found out the truth. Thats still his son, he raised that boy. The same thing goes for your friend, at least in my opinion
It's rough though, because him and this girl have been in this on-and-off relationship since early 2005. In the later years, things were so rocky that it was clear that the only thing that would keep them together is a baby. He even told me when she was pregnant that she's not the kind of girl to get pregnant. They aren't together right now and with all the animosity between families, I have no idea how this is going to be handled.

I've always been really distant to these type of things, but seeing so close to it, damn near hurts me. I'm trying to imagine what it's like for my bruh but that **** starts to make my head hurt. I feel y'all on the "it's still his" talk, I definitely do, but I know my fam is mentally conflicted right now.
It's rough though, because him and this girl have been in this on-and-off relationship since early 2005. In the later years, things were so rocky that it was clear that the only thing that would keep them together is a baby. He even told me when she was pregnant that she's not the kind of girl to get pregnant. They aren't together right now and with all the animosity between families, I have no idea how this is going to be handled.

I've always been really distant to these type of things, but seeing so close to it, damn near hurts me. I'm trying to imagine what it's like for my bruh but that **** starts to make my head hurt. I feel y'all on the "it's still his" talk, I definitely do, but I know my fam is mentally conflicted right now.
Thats totally understandable and if he walks I dont think anyone could blame him. Above all else that woman is a monster and he should never associate with her again unless its for the benefit of the kid if he decides to be involved in his/life
My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man? :smh:

its hard man, i scene someone go thru it and its not easy at all. all you can do at this point is listen, he may ask for advice but only he knows what to do.
My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man? :smh:

That ******g sucks, man...not to sound insensitive, but that's why you gotta get that test done ASAP no matter how you feel about the chick at the time. ****, it should be mandatory.

As for what you should say to the poor guy, as unhelpful as it is you can't really say anything to help right now. They don't make that Hallmark card. Just promise to be there if he needs to talk or vent...that's an underrated resource. Don't try to talk him in either direction either, that's something he has to sort out/make peace with/move past on his own terms.

Damn do I hate hearing **** like this... :smh:

EDIT: Also, a kid will break up a struggling relationship before it'll fix one. Just thought I'd type that in case anyone else needed to read it.
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My close friend just found out that the kid he was taking care of for 3 years ISN'T his kid. What the **** can I even say to him man? :smh:

ouch, that's pretty bad.

was watching "vh1 behind the musc: with neyo" and same situation came up. but neyo found out and he still was down to play the father roll as if it was his own child still. girl sued him for alimony (i think that is what's it called) and the baby mom dipped with the kid.

so depend on where you live, treating a kid thats not your actual blood as your own, can be bad.....if the girl is dirty.
if he taking care of him for 3 yrs food,clothes etc then its his..the kid going to look at him as dad so all that matter
efffff that

i got 3 year old cousins. they're stupid and will get over it. cant even speak or walk right yet.  if it were a 5-6 year old they'd be heart broken if he left

i'd leave asap and try to get my money back somehow. that hella sucks. cant trust that broad, he need to drop her asap.

tell the kid "i am not your daddy. ask your mom who your dad is. she lied to me. lions kill kids that arent theirs. but im a nice guy so bye"
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if he taking care of him for 3 yrs food,clothes etc then its his..the kid going to look at him as dad so all that matter

efffff that
i got 3 year old cousins. they're stupid and will get over it. cant even speak or walk right yet.  if it were a 5-6 year old they'd be heart broken if he left
i'd leave asap and try to get my money back somehow. that hella sucks. cant trust that broad, he need to drop her asap.
tell the kid "i am not your daddy. ask your mom who your dad is. she lied to me. lions kill kids that arent theirs. but im a nice guy so bye"

not strong post to sn ratio
if he taking care of him for 3 yrs food,clothes etc then its his..the kid going to look at him as dad so all that matter

efffff that
i got 3 year old cousins. they're stupid and will get over it. cant even speak or walk right yet.  if it were a 5-6 year old they'd be heart broken if he left
i'd leave asap and try to get my money back somehow. that hella sucks. cant trust that broad, he need to drop her asap.
tell the kid "i am not your daddy. ask your mom who your dad is. she lied to me. lions kill kids that arent theirs. but im a nice guy so bye"

not strong post to sn ratio

man this **** is annoying about craigslist. i'm looking for a part time job line cooking during the days. already work full time at night. anyways. how do you make a listing telling people to email you their resume and you don't even say what the hell the restaurant is? :smh: the ****, like i'm going to waste my time emailing denny's? i always figure they're nothing if they're too embarrassed to say what place they are.
Getting THEM pics late at night:pimp:
I haven't gotten them since i was with my ex freshman year of hs.... Feels good to be back.
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