the thread about nothing...

Had collar bone surgery Monday. The doc said it was worse then he thought when he went in. Needed more screws and a much larger plate then planned. And needed string to help support the ligaments which wasn’t fully expected. The pain during recovery is something I’ve never felt. Legit was on 10 for 6 straight hours. Buts it’s slightly better now. Chilling watching champions league soccer waiting to get hit with all my medical bills.
Hoping you recover 100% bro
Had collar bone surgery Monday. The doc said it was worse then he thought when he went in. Needed more screws and a much larger plate then planned. And needed string to help support the ligaments which wasn’t fully expected. The pain during recovery is something I’ve never felt. Legit was on 10 for 6 straight hours. Buts it’s slightly better now. Chilling watching champions league soccer waiting to get hit with all my medical bills.

Glad to hear your resting bro
Recovery was extremely painful as well without the surgery
I never realized how much you move your soldier as you walk. Took me about 4-5 weeks for it to feel better.
Like I mentioned, it still hurts when I do push-ups or lift really heavy but I do get to play soccer again. I wish you a full recovery
sleeping is the worst when you break your clavicle, its been like 7 years and I still can't really lay on my left side like that
Lots of work to get through til the end of the week. Hopefully i have the time to hang out with the bros Thursday night.
I learned today that people use find my iPhone to know where their partner is at all times. Both men and women are doing this. This is so crazy to me
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