the thread about nothing...

I think that I may expect a bit too much in regard to discussion here. Conversations outside of the box is a bit too far above the pay grade for those who are still brainwashed through white supremacy. You are quick to defend white supremacy by downing Black empowerment, simply to make your white friends think that you are somehow different. However, you are nothing but what white supremacy wants you to be. Unaware, blindly loyal to a system and a culture that has never been to your benefit. You think that your white friends are indeed your friends, but just wait until you start to talk about being Black, in a land that makes it illegal for you to be as such.

Black people cannot be racists. However, we can be prejudiced due to our experiences in a system built exclusively to oppress Black people in America. Our prejudices are righteous and worthy. Slavery empowered everyone else but those who were enslaved, Dred Scott furthered the cause, allowing Jim Crow to flourish, Plessy v. Ferguson solidified it, and if you watch 13th? Even the most ardent idiot could learn something from that documentary.

Slavery has never ended, and Black people are justified in our anger, resentment. Those white people who live in blissful ignorance, not knowing the history of the country that they have come to live and cherish?

They are very lucky that Black people cannot be, then incapable of, being racists.
And the giants hiring a head coach has something to do with that blurb??
It speaks to the inequality that still exists through America, the blatant racism that exists in the NFL. Here you have a wide receiver coach who was not qualified to be a head coach in the NFL, one who happens to be White, getting hired before any other candidates who were far more capable, including those who are indeed Black, being passed over even though there is a rule that states that Black candidates should be considered.

Even when there are rules in place? White people find a way around them.

Now you, you calling my comment on the condition of MY people a blurb? Is incredibly disrespectful. I do not know which one of your Black friends told you that it was okay to say that? But they are wrong.
You do realize that Black people cannot be racist, correct?
Here we go...where to start?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” Alice Walker

First of all, your talking about systematic racism. As in black people have no power in this country. My problem with that definition is admittance of defeat, saying we are utter powerless. I KNOW damn well you don’t believe that. We got power, must of us ain’t doing anything with it. “Black people can’t be racist”, is probably the most white supremacist you can say.

Secondly, power is situational. You may not have the power to make decisions for the country or even most people, but you have power in your life. If you were playing ball in the park, and you denied someone the chance to play with you because of their skin color..

If a white guy wants to go to Florida A&M with the rest of his friends and we tell him he can’t because of his

(According to said definition)
What I don’t understand, how one spews the same negative and hatred as those they said to be opposed think they are any different because of the adjectives they use. You think what you say won’t hurt anyone because your “oppressed”? You really believe you have no power?
It speaks to the inequality that still exists through America, the blatant racism that exists in the NFL. Here you have a wide receiver coach who was not qualified to be a head coach in the NFL, one who happens to be White, getting hired before any other candidates who were far more capable, including those who are indeed Black, being passed over even though there is a rule that states that Black candidates should be considered.

Even when there are rules in place? White people find a way around them.

Now you, you calling my comment on the condition of MY people a blurb? Is incredibly disrespectful. I do not know which one of your Black friends told you that it was okay to say that? But they are wrong.
Since when is the word blurb disrespectful? And I didn’t ask any black people for permission to respond to you
Here we go...where to start?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” Alice Walker

First of all, your talking about systematic racism. As in black people have no power in this country. My problem with that definition is admittance of defeat, saying we are utter powerless. I KNOW damn well you don’t believe that. We got power, must of us ain’t doing anything with it. “Black people can’t be racist”, is probably the most white supremacist you can say.

Secondly, power is situational. You may not have the power to make decisions for the country or even most people, but you have power in your life. If you were playing ball in the park, and you denied someone the chance to play with you because of their skin color..

If a white guy wants to go to Florida A&M with the rest of his friends and we tell him he can’t because of his

(According to said definition)
What I don’t understand, how one spews the same negative and hatred as those they said to be opposed think they are any different because of the adjectives they use. You think what you say won’t hurt anyone because your “oppressed”? You really believe you have no power?
Yup, mans is a walking thesaurus coming up with different words to spew the same racist **** he dislikes.
Here we go...where to start?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” Alice Walker

First of all, your talking about systematic racism. As in black people have no power in this country. My problem with that definition is admittance of defeat, saying we are utter powerless. I KNOW damn well you don’t believe that. We got power, must of us ain’t doing anything with it. “Black people can’t be racist”, is probably the most white supremacist you can say.

Secondly, power is situational. You may not have the power to make decisions for the country or even most people, but you have power in your life. If you were playing ball in the park, and you denied someone the chance to play with you because of their skin color..

If a white guy wants to go to Florida A&M with the rest of his friends and we tell him he can’t because of his

(According to said definition)
What I don’t understand, how one spews the same negative and hatred as those they said to be opposed think they are any different because of the adjectives they use. You think what you say won’t hurt anyone because your “oppressed”? You really believe you have no power?
I am not going to do this to you. I will leave it alone. Your comment states, emphatically mind you, that you have no clue as to what racism is, and then how it has worked. However, your actions are the perfect example of WHY it has worked.
Yup, mans is a walking thesaurus coming up with different words to spew the same racist **** he dislikes.
This discussion is above your pay grade, even though you are white. I have always said that white supremacy celebrates mediocrity, and you are the perfect example of that privilege.
Right. Your arrogance, sense of entitlement, is quite evident.
You’re right I apologize your majesty. I’m gonna call my boy and ask for his permission to reply to one of your posts. First I’m going to have to explain what Niketalk is and show him any post I want to reply to and see if it’s ok
You’re right I apologize your majesty. I’m gonna call my boy and ask for his permission to reply to one of your posts. First I’m going to have to explain what Niketalk is and show him any post I want to reply to and see if it’s ok
Your boy. Please, continue digging.
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