the thread about nothing...

If I hit 90 chicks in my lifetime I’ll be surprised. I like being alone.

Watch that b4 you croak dawg.

It’s a good/interesting watch.

White Privilege IQ Test: 5 Questions

If you’re able to answer all of the questions correctly, congratulations. That means you have, at some point in your life, stepped outside of the bubble of white privilege that protects its homogeneous population from having their blissful days dampened with news about the external struggles of nonwhites.
Note: You did not create the environment in which you live. You are a beneficiary of the transparent bubble of privilege created generations ago. Its purpose is to prevent as much information about nonwhites as possible from piercing the pristine tranquility of a white Utopian lifestyle. You do, however, have the ability to effect change, if you choose to exercise it.

This might be a bit too deep for a few here.....:lol:
Oohh it’s a fancy box..

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