the thread about nothing...

Why do humans have to suck so bad?
decided to use my time inside to work on a fiction project I´ve been sitting on...gonna take it 1 chapter a week.

¨Pendeja.¨ Yásmin´s scorching self-critique burned between her ears as she tested the panels of the gently humming box in a futile effort at escape.

Indifferently, the box gently lofted a few centimeters off the patchy floor of the forest clearing and dutifully headed in an unknown direction...short-term, her fate was sealed.

Usually she would have closely examined the perimeter the moment she felt the buzz, that familiar 9-volt tingle in her inner ear that told her an Internet access point was close, not so much.

Obviously, by now access points were nearly ubiquitous--had been for about 20 years, you know that--but without an address to call home or much money to spend in Internet cafes, finals for connected classes at Mech Tech had merited a balance slanted more toward urgency than caution.

By the dim, slightly hazy interior lighting of her confinement, she was just able to make out the proud manufacturer claim of the Trapomatic Foldabox, by 203X the scourge of anyone who found themselves on the wrong side of the law: ¨25 YEARS UNBREAKABLE, GUARANTEED¨...apparently placed for the appreciation of its typically unwilling passenger.

They had been rolled onto the streets of the Eastern States of America just 6 years ago...not that many people would have noticed at sight, thanks to their cloaking technology...can´t have visible crime boxes flying around town, InspireTech was very clear about that on release day.

With a resigned sigh, Yásmin provided a customer review: ¨No mames.¨

She swore to herself she would never end up in a cage again--not after That--but here she was, after spending almost two years begging, borrowing, and stealing her way from the detention complex outside New Guadalajara to the shadow of Chicago, right back in some iron cube.

She allowed herself to have the thought that it was almost funny, in a cosmic sort of way...and it was only as she realized how strange a thought it was that she realized she was falling asleep...even as the world softly faded away, she instinctively clutched at the backpack that contained her entire life: a laptop, battery packs, and some fruit of the few luxuries she had become accustomed to over her short, difficult existence.

When she slammed into consciousness again with the terrifying realization her hands and feet were bound to the chair she was in, her first bewildered sweep of the stark concrete-walled space paused momentarily on the concerned countenance of Beverly Mae Walker: serious and guarded, but somehow matronly and reassuring.

The nascent good vibes quickly faded as she realized again that her hands and feet were bound to the chair she was in, and her stolen Cybercuff had in turn been taken from her.

It is at this point that Yásmín Xochitl Andrea Maria Fernanda Malinali de la Cruz unleashed a long stream of Spanish curses passed down from her mother, and her mother before her, and her mother before her...inciendiary invectives that she had only heard spoken, and several of which she only barely understood the meaning of.

Clueless to the content of the tirade, but understanding of its inspiration, Beverly patiently waited for an indefinite period for the diatribe to exhaust itself before she began.

¨You´re Yázmín, yes?¨

Yázmín, short of breath from her furious oratory, responded with furious silence.
¨They let me come in here and talk to you, otherwise you´d be--¨

¨Right back where I was, stupid lady.¨ Yasmin spat.

Beverly´s patience endured. ¨You shouldn't be here, but I guess you already know that. The reason I´m talking to you instead of someone a little less chatty is that someone figured out you´re special and I want to help you.¨

Yázmín was unimpressed by her overture. ¨People like you never want to help just want to use me for what you want.¨

Beverly´s icy professional countenance cracked at the very edge as she took a quick glimpse through the circumstances to see herself in the chair-bound little girl across the room. She paused, weighing her response before moving forward. ¨It often seems that way.¨

She took one, then another tentative step toward the girl as she spoke.

¨The point is that I´m here because I understand that you are a gifted young woman. I´ve been doing what I do a long time, where weren't many opportunities for girls like us when I was growing up.
The daggers Yázmín stared at Beverly blunted slightly at the tip. ¨What do you know about me?¨

Sensing a sliver of rapport, Beverly gave Yázmín the gift of truth. ¨Only what they got from your´re 16 and taking advanced engineering courses at Mech Tech. A girl like you doesn't need to be in the gutter.¨

Yázmín had heard that last line before, and her body tensed defensively. ¨What are you going to do with me?¨

Beverly took a deep lungful of the stale warehouse air and placed a very particular timbre in her voice as she made her next pronouncement ¨What I´m going to do is take a risk with you right now, because I honestly believe our best futures run together.¨

A vague glimmer of recognition sparked into Yázmín´s mind as Beverly spoke. Obviously she had never seen this woman before in life--how could she have, not knowing a single living soul within 1,000 kilometers, but she was almost certain she had heard that voice before somewhere.

The stately silver-haired woman scanned the trapped teenager´s face, and their eyes locked. Something intangible was exchanged, and from this grew the confidence she needed to commit to something ever so slightly insane.

¨My name is Beverly, but you just might know me better as Lady Liberty...I´d like you to be a part of something special.¨

Beverly, now revealed as the legendary superheroine known the world over as Lady Liberty, must have looked quite strange in the role of captor to Yásmín, who had once owned a publicity poster of her complete with a rendering of her signature in her (literally) patented shade of electric teal.

Her mind struggled to wrap itself around this new reality, where she had survived the greatest evils she had ever known only to end up at the mercy of someone who she once considered a role model. Her worldview was only further thrown into chaos as Beverly continued her gradual approach to the stifling seat which held her fast, producing a small remote control device from her pocket and unlocking the restraints at the swipe of a finger.

Yásmín rubbed her newly freed wrists, as is tradition.

¨I´ve managed to convince The Unit that you could have a place in our tech support department.¨ Beverly elaborated. ¨Your potential is incredible, but you never had a chance...I know a little something about that.¨
¨There are a couple of people I´d like you to meet.¨

The bunker doors hissed softly as they split in two, retracting into the frame to reveal a large circular conference room covered in all but one section with panels displaying various scenes apparently taken from all over the planet. The solid section, directly across from the portway, appeared to her to be some kind of blackboard, the scribbles and scrawls densely dotting its massive surface giving off a mild luminescence.

In the center of the room was a long table, currently populated by two other individuals.

One wore the classic costume of the military, bedecked lavishly with pins and pendants. Sitting at the head of the table pensively stroking his beard as he took account of Yásmín in person for the first time, he was pretty clearly the shift manager at the very least. He also gave off something of a strange sheen, the characteristic appearance of holoprojection.

A chair away sat an unusually solid-looking older gentleman with a granite jaw that could only be truly appreciated in the flesh, hair streaked at the sides with silver with a peppery crown.

His deep blue uniform was interrupted only sparingly with blood red accents, and punctuated at the chest the embossed silhouette of an eagle. One steely blue eye regarded Yásmín warily as she walked into the room, but the faintest hint of a smile struggled free as he lay eyes on Beverly, who escorted her to a seat at the table.

Military Man spoke first. ¨I want you to know that your presence here is an extreme breach of protocol, but your new friend Lady Liberty was willing to put her reputation at stake for you.¨

Next was Salt-n-Pepper´s contribution: ¨I don´t understand what she´s doing here.¨

Beverly had heard enough of his critiques by now: ¨Well, for one unlike you she can open her own email.¨

She earned a carcinogenic glare for the quip.

The badges and buttons rose from their seat at the head of the table and walked around to where Yásmín was seated. She shrunk in her chair, uneasy and frankly helpless.

Upon reaching her seat, the military man extended his right fist, and firmly pounded his own chest, causing the hologram to quickly flicker as it touched itself. An authoritative voice listed forth from hidden speakers. ¨I am General Irving Reese, and this is my least, part of it.¨

The phrase hung in the air as such sentences often do.

The granite-jawed patriot broke the silence by offering his personal perspective: ¨You´re not yanking my **** here? Reese, you´ve finally lost it.¨

General Reese had long ago learned to employ a nasal sigh as a release valve for the pressure that built in his head whenever Biff got good and cranked up.

The attack continued. ¨I´ve been part of some real doorknob-****er monkeyshines as part of these armed forces, but bringing in some scrawny kid from the other side of the Wall to clean up around here at the risk of national security has to take the god damned cake.¨

A familiar voice of moderation impended. ¨Biff…¨

¨Don´t ¨Biff¨ me, Lady...the codename is Sentinel, and we are supposed to use them at all times. Jesus crab-walking Christ, what kind of moron are you?¨

General Reese had seen this unfold too many times. ¨BIFF! Stand down, that´s an order.¨

¨How the hell does a fella stand down, anyway? You´re either standing up or sitting--¨

¨Captain Stryker!¨

Sensing the seriousness of the general´s tone even through the holoprojector, Biff relented slightly. ¨What? Listen, I don´t trust her.¨

Yázmín, the subject of this evaluation, interjected: ¨I am standing right here.¨

¨Good, then I don´t have to repeat myself.¨ As he crossed his arms petulantly over his eagle-bearing chest, the matte finish of his right forearm became apparent to the newcomer for the first time.

¨They made this donkey into a cyborg?¨, Yázmín did not say out loud.

General Reese presided over the conversation once more. ¨Sorry, Biff here takes pride in being an artifact of a dumber time for some reason. The fact is that we´ve been looking to automate this superman business like everything else. We´re trying to build a bridge from human beings fighting our battles to having robots do the dirty work, and Lady Liberty here thinks that you are that bridge. You have some engineering and coding skills, right?¨

Thinking back to the drone she once built (and was punished for) in the detention camp with nothing but discarded electronics and eating utensils out of sheer boredom, she calculated a reply: ¨Si, un poquito.¨

¨...and we know you speak English too, so you can drop that act while you´re at it.¨ Biff contributed.

General Reese bristled a bit at both the interruption and xenophobia. ¨Cool it, Stryker...I can handle this part of the presentation.¨

¨Lady Liberty thinks it´s a good idea to bring you in as a tech, work under Dr. have some interesting ideas for alternate propulsion systems, we´d like to have your mind on our side.¨

¨...and if I don´t?¨

¨We ship you on the first bullet train back to Big Texas,¨ Biff growled. Beverly´s frown at his lack of tact echoed around the room.

General Reese slipped momentarily into a regretful tone: ¨If you don´t, I can´t make you...but there´s nothing else we can do for you here but send you back across the border. That´s protocol.¨

Yázmín´s face crumpled visibly as she recognized a familiar position: ¨Then what choice do I have?¨

¨Spoken like a true soldier.¨ smirked Biff.

Yázmín made a silent note to herself to make his life harder in the near future.

The image of General Reese turned to face something behind him in his own location, and he began to boom out orders to subordinates unseen: ¨Assemble Polaris, Kidd Color, and The Dynamik...and get Mr. F on the line, PDQ.¨

From the personal office suite on the 103rd floor of his tower overlooking the skyline of New York City, it was easy for Arlen Fortuitous to feel as though he had reached the pinnacle of human achievement.

After all, he had personally overseen mankind´s first missions to Mars, where about 2 decades ago he had begun to establish the first habitable colonies on the Red Planet. What then was a small outpost of scientists and technicians that could be charitably compared to the spartan confines of a weather station in Antarctica was now a thriving colony of planetary pilgrims and a few of their interminably bored young children.

He admired it as the firstborn child it was to him, basking in the glow of the Sun thanks to standing on the shoulders of history´s giants.

His pondering of his own lofty position in the future he had a hand in building was interrupted by the urgent barge of a nameless employee, sweating profusely as if he had run the original 42 kilometers between Marathon and Greece. ¨Mr. F!¨, the underling panted, prostrate.

With a casual flick of the wrist, he swiped the three-dimensional holodisplay of the colony back into its projector at the center of his desk, and with a broad smile turned in his chair away from his wall of awards, certificates, and gilded statues to issue a perfunctory greeting.

¨My friend! What brings you to my humble office today?¨

¨There´s--*pant*--there´s word from Indiana!¨

¨Indiana?!¨ Fortuitous straightened excitedly in his chair in acknowledgment of the location´s potential significance. He snapped his fingers, and a tiny drone whirred to life from the water cooler in the corner, delivering a brushed aluminum cup filled with cool water to the thirsty messenger. ¨Calm yourself, you´ll catch your death of exhaustion!¨

The intern gratefully seized the cup, and drank deeply from it.

¨Take your time.¨

Gulp after gulp cascaded down his parched throat, it was the first time he had been away from his desk all day...there were stringent penalties for not meeting company production quotas.

Fortuitous grew palpably annoyed at the short delay. ¨Now you´re taking my time, son.¨

The intern nearly choked. ¨Sorry sir!¨

¨My father was ´sir´, my treasured friend, may call me Mr. F.¨

¨Yes Mr. F, sorry Mr. F. Mr. F, there´s something out of the Gary base...a new special, potentially the most powerful yet!¨

The intrigued magnate leaned back in his chair, tenting his fingers as he explored the possibilities in his head. ¨This seems to be…¨

The freshly quenched intern´s eyes widened expectantly, piqued in Pavlovian fashion at the prospect of a mere office drone getting to hear The Catchphrase from its creator.

The speaker´s practiced social eye noticed this, and delayed the payoff a beat to maximize the anticipation, whipping an electronic cigar from the breast pocket of his bullet-resistant suit jacket and taking a lavish, demonstrative puff. . ¨...a most Fortuitous development.¨ The words curled toward the 5-meter ceiling of the office on wisps of strawberry-mint vapor.

It was all the intern could do not to fling his folders in the air and squeal with delight.

I would like to remind everyone that this is an election year, be sure to not only vote in, not only inthe presidential election but your local elections as well. Including...

It's that time of year where we crown NikeTalk's most attractive woman! Like last year thirty-two women will battle it out in 24 hour matches to see who the champ will be. The woman with the most votes in her match moves on to the next round. All matches that are won by 10 votes or fewer will be...

I’m here representing team Katya Elise Henry.




This beautiful young lady has some stiff competition this year and we need all the support we can get. I’d like to encourage all of NT to vote.

Be a winner, pick a winner. Vote Katya.


This is a public message brought to you by NT General, Blessed Protein supplement, thick thighs and good genes. Retro mods, please don’t act brand new.

She's wearing heels that high and that thang only stick out that much? hmmmmm

So, I drove into work. Took me 30 minutes...but had to pay $35 for parking. Gross.
That’s is ******* ridiculous. Can’t believe they charge that much.

I’m hungry!! About to go for a run and some playground workout. I miss dining in at restaurants.
That’s good man, just keep a distance from people and bring some hand sanitizer with you.

Man, I need to get an eye exam.
But it looks that won't be happening anytime soon.
My eye exam was canceled yesterday so I know I won’t be getting mine anytime soon.
That’s is ****ing ridiculous. Can’t believe they charge that much.

That’s good man, just keep a distance from people and bring some hand sanitizer with you.

My eye exam was canceled yesterday so I know I won’t be getting mine anytime soon.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. Just need to adjust and make sure I wake up early enough to make the ferry now lol.
That’s is ****ing ridiculous. Can’t believe they charge that much.

That’s good man, just keep a distance from people and bring some hand sanitizer with you.

My eye exam was canceled yesterday so I know I won’t be getting mine anytime soon.
I only saw at most 6 people today and when I do see them I ran to the side more than usual. Was alone at the park and shot the ball around too.
I work at a grocery store and it’s ******* rough right now. :lol: :smh:
I hate how there’s so many people. I get that everyone is shook but damn people we’re not running out of food. They keep stating social distancing but all these mofos suddenly forget that inside the store. ******* can’t stand customers :smh: :lol:

how’s everyone else doing though?
Yeah, it's ridiculous. Just need to adjust and make sure I wake up early enough to make the ferry now lol.
Turn up the volume on your alarm clock and change the ringer tune. That’ll get you up for sure, lol. It does me anyway.

I only saw at most 6 people today and when I do see them I ran to the side more than usual. Was alone at the park and shot the ball around too.
Good man, I’m probably going to do the same except on my bicycle. I go to this huge wide open space park where you can just chill and not be near anyone for minutes at a time. This park is miles wide.
Turn up the volume on your alarm clock and change the ringer tune. That’ll get you up for sure, lol. It does me anyway.

Good man, I’m probably going to do the same except on my bicycle. I go to this huge wide open space park where you can just chill and not be near anyone for minutes at a time. This park is miles wide.
During the 1st month of marriage, I changed my alarm tune to the Lion King theme song.

I still overslept through that and my wife was pissed she woke up to it every morning. :rofl:
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