the thread about nothing...

I’m starting to realize the level of concern is directly associated with how much you focus on it and who your around. That thread and the news will have you thinking this is the apocalypse. Then you go out to handle business and you realize people are out doing what they gotta do with precaution. Those folk held themselves up in quarantine was scared of life wayyy before the pandemic hit.

The craziest thing is, no matter what you do or how you feel, as long as you and your didn’t die, you were right. If you’re in quarantine and make it out, you’re gonna say it was because of quarantine. If you lived normally and make it you’re gonna say, “See, it wasn’t that bad..”.
Told y’all when I came back from Rome, Italy 2 weeks ago...

“see it wasn’t that bad”

So does she have a soar throat? That don’t eem make sense. Sounds like a cop out...

we’re both symptom free. Yesterday morning she was like “we can’t share the same glass of water. Just trying to be vigilant.”

then all day I’m thinking that’s stupid. Before realizing damn, that probably means no felati. Then I asked last night and she was like “hell to the naw, not during the quarantine. We gotta be responsible.”

alreadygotem alreadygotem is your lady On this same bull?!!
I’m starting to realize the level of concern is directly associated with how much you focus on it and who your around. That thread and the news will have you thinking this is the apocalypse. Then you go out to handle business and you realize people are out doing what they gotta do with precaution. Those folk held themselves up in quarantine was scared of life wayyy before the pandemic hit.

The craziest thing is, no matter what you do or how you feel, as long as you and your didn’t die, you were right. If you’re in quarantine and make it out, you’re gonna say it was because of quarantine. If you lived normally and make it you’re gonna say, “See, it wasn’t that bad..”.

Strongly agreed. It's sounds crazy to say, but the News is one of the WORST things you can consume. You can't absorb that kind of information all day, and not expect it to mess with you mentally. It's unhealthy.

People are really out here freaking out and doing the most. Go outside ! Take a walk ! Y'all ain't gonna die. :smh:
I’m starting to realize the level of concern is directly associated with how much you focus on it and who your around. That thread and the news will have you thinking this is the apocalypse. Then you go out to handle business and you realize people are out doing what they gotta do with precaution. Those folk held themselves up in quarantine was scared of life wayyy before the pandemic hit.

The craziest thing is, no matter what you do or how you feel, as long as you and your didn’t die, you were right. If you’re in quarantine and make it out, you’re gonna say it was because of quarantine. If you lived normally and make it you’re gonna say, “See, it wasn’t that bad..”.
I think a lot of the panic is being caused by people only reading headlines and not doing their research on the virus
My internal clock has been off since I've been having to wake up an hour early to catch the ferry at an earlier time (Limited service due to COVID). Yesterday, I missed both morning ferry's due to oversleeping.

Today, I woke up at my own at 630, but missed the ferry I was supposed to take.

Debated if I should wait for the 830 ferry, but I wouldn't get to work till almost 10.

So, I drove into work. Took me 30 minutes...but had to pay $35 for parking. Gross.
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