the thread about nothing...

Coworker: What can I do to help you with your task?
Me: do xyz

Coworker proceeds to do a bunch of **** that isnt xyz.

This is the moment where I wonder do I continue to be polite or ask the coworker why did you bother asking to help me.
Coworker: What can I do to help you with your task?
Me: do xyz

Coworker proceeds to do a bunch of **** that isnt xyz.

This is the moment where I wonder do I continue to be polite or ask the coworker why did you bother asking to help me.

This. I want to smash my head through a window when I ask an employee to do something and they don’t do it.

me via email: whatever you do tomorrow, please just do xyz.

employee: doesn’t do x, y, or z. Doesn’t provide explanation why.

me: cool. Glad I wasted my time emailing clear instructions. Guess I’ll just go **** myself now.
Microwave. Then later.....

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