the thread about nothing...

Weird is quite the understatement. The overwhelming majority of the time it's her who initiates a conversation, not me.
She is most definitely 100% lesbian, there's no way around that. I'm not going to spend my time holding out some delusional hope.

After all there's plenty of other fish in the sea and she said she'd happily help as my wingwoman
She is not going to be your wing man. She is feeding you bs. If she is the one initiating conversation, put her on ice. When she starts chatting you up and starts telling you her sexual nonsense, she knows what she is doing. It's manipulation, ego stroking and boosting all on her side. If a woman comes to you ever in life and tells you "she wishes she can do xyz with you, but..." it's all manipulation tactics. Don't indulge in that. If a company toyed around with you while you're actively searching for employment and told you would be such a great fit for them, and call you everyday and tells you that, but never actually offer you employment, you would be pissed off and consider them unprofessional. Well, in a sense, it's similar in this scenario. So on the flip side, why would you tolerate it from some chick blatantly manipulating you for her own ego boost?
The 1st 60+ day of the year. Last month was dealing with the below 0 bs lol
I’m definitely going to buy a PS2 and N64 this year just to reassemble my childhood
I don’t care if I got to find a big boots TV just to play the games
This has to happen in 2021

The PS2 should be the most affordable. N64 is going to be a little more expensive because the games seem to go for more money than the PS2. I’d start hitting up thrift stores to get the best deals.
i used to work in a warehouse that only distribute McDonald's products and two people died while I worked there. One died because a pallet crushed him due to a faulty rack and another died from suicide. I had to get TF outta there ASAP. they paid really good money but it wasn't worth it
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