the thread about nothing...

I’m definitely going to buy a PS2 and N64 this year just to reassemble my childhood
I don’t care if I got to find a big boots TV just to play the games
This has to happen in 2021
Why have you chosen to reassemble your childhood? Are you looking for something specific?
She is not going to be your wing man. She is feeding you bs. If she is the one initiating conversation, put her on ice. When she starts chatting you up and starts telling you her sexual nonsense, she knows what she is doing. It's manipulation, ego stroking and boosting all on her side. If a woman comes to you ever in life and tells you "she wishes she can do xyz with you, but..." it's all manipulation tactics. Don't indulge in that. If a company toyed around with you while you're actively searching for employment and told you would be such a great fit for them, and call you everyday and tells you that, but never actually offer you employment, you would be pissed off and consider them unprofessional. Well, in a sense, it's similar in this scenario. So on the flip side, why would you tolerate it from some chick blatantly manipulating you for her own ego boost?
Amy never said anything like 'I wish I could ... with you but...', or 'you'd be such a great fit for me but...', nothing like that at all.
And she has already started laying some groundwork as my wingwoman, showing me screenshots of her subtlely gathering mutual female acquaintances' opinions of me and talking me up to the ones who showed some interest in getting to know me better.

The simple answer for why I continue to partake in those highly sexual conversations with her is simply that I think it's hot and exciting. That's really all there is to it.
I guess you could argue what she's doing is manipulative but you're making it sound like I'm some kind of victim here.

It's also not like we only ever talk about sex. Our regular conversations are perfectly normal and she has been of great assistance to me when I was struggling mentally with some things. She's always there to cheer me up when I'm feeling a bit down.
Last edited: is your friend, and don't be afraid to look at the pre owned section of your local dealerships regardless of the make type of the dealership. Just try and bring someone with you who is familiar with cars to make sure they're aren't any mechanical issues.

I found mine at a dodge dealership like an hour away from my house and it still rides great 5 years later and counting
90/early 2000s: “What happened to the mid range game? No one can shoot any more, it’s just cross overs and dunks..”

Now: “Dudes shoot too much..”

Amy never said anything like 'I wish I could ... with you but...', or 'you'd be such a great fit for me but...', nothing like that at all.
And she has already started laying some groundwork as my wingwoman, showing me screenshots of her subtlely gathering mutual female acquaintances' opinions of me and talking me up to the ones who showed some interest in getting to know me better.

The simple answer for why I continue to partake in those highly sexual conversations with her is simply that I think it's hot and exciting. That's really all there is to it.
I guess you could argue what she's doing is manipulative but you're making it sound like I'm some kind of victim here.

It's also not like we only ever talk about sex. Our regular conversations are perfectly normal and she has been of great assistance to me when I was struggling mentally with some things. She's always there to cheer me up when I'm feeling a bit down.
90/early 2000s: “What happened to the mid range game? No one can shoot any more, it’s just cross overs and dunks..”

Now: “Dudes shoot too much..”


every generation gonna complain about the newer generation until the end of time. GSW run of greatness was amazing basketball.Best ball movement I’ve ever seen. Truly a joy to watch.

old heads complained that it was boring because all Curry did was shoot 3’s and flop.

Spurs were boring because all they did was play defense and have Duncan bank shot mid range jumpers.

Heatles were boring because it was an unfair super team.

all Laker Shaq did was back guys down and dunk.

the list goes on and on and on.

I personally enjoy the progression from year to year. Even when guys take maintenance days off, it doesn’t bug me. We still lucky to have ball.
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