the thread about nothing...

My 14 month old starts daycare tomorrow :frown:

He will be attending 3 days out of the week, going to be alil sad since he's been spoiled by me and my wife being at home for his 1st year

man...My boy is starting next month. He'll be 17 months then and he is going 3 days a week as well. Similar to your situation he has been at home with us for the first year also. Ive been the calm, reassuring, and level headed one because my Wife worries herself into the worst anxiety, so I gotta keep it cool or she'll freak out....but deep down Im nervous as **** :blush::frown:
Not to mention alcohol or the fact even codein is more easy to obtain legally, but that must have changed since a lot of people used syrup without coughing, they must have restricted this...

Not talking for others but coffee and cannabis are extremely addictive in my opinion, without coffee I'm feeling apathic, don't care about cigarettes and alcohol, never been addicted to them, but the few times I used to smoke cannabis, next time without it I was obsessed by it...

Perfect combo for me :

To wake up without having to work, coffee and cannabis then a good meal and video games on computer :rofl:
Mane hold up! Y’all still sippin in Fr-France???
Mannnn they had 500 hours of 97-98 footage but spent most to the doc recapping other seasons. Like what did his rookie year, or Doug Collins have to do with any of this? Showing us highlights of games that we can watch on youtube.

Doc would have been better if they didn't call it "The last dance" call it Bulls in the 90s or something

i think their objective was to make the definitive documentary on the Bulls dynasty, and the story of that season can’t be fully told without all the events that preceded it. Besides, we’re never gonna get that kind of candid, unfiltered perspective and insight from those guys collectively ever again. Some of it was painful, embarrassing, and dark. MJ isn’t one to look back much, so I’m glad they took full advantage of the time he and everybody else involved gave them to lay everything out there. We all gotta face the fact that our idols aren’t getting any younger. If recent times haven’t illustrated enough, there’s never too many flowers to give.
Mane hold up! Y’all still sippin in Fr-France???
I don't know in fact, but a few years ago I remember you could buy Neo-Codion without order and same for the other ingredient, but they must have changed this once they understood why everybody was carrying about their throat suddenly

EDIT : Codein is perfect for pain, that's why I wouldn't advice anyone to #### with it until needed

I am suffering from severe pollen allergies right now. Last night I developed a fever so my work is making me quarantine for 10 days. Midas whale partake in the festivities today. Ps, my rapid covid test came back negative this morning. So far that means I’ll be getting covid quarantine pay and a week off for no reason :pimp: :pimp:
only people i know that actually celebrate 420 already smoke like its 420 every damn day :lol:
That’s one of the reasons why I don’t smoke on 4/20. What am I going to do any different? Another reason is most people can’t tell you why 4/20 is April 20th. Finding out why it’s 4/20 was the nail in the coffin.
That’s one of the reasons why I don’t smoke on 4/20. What am I going to do any different? Another reason is most people can’t tell you why 4/20 is April 20th. Finding out why it’s 4/20 was the nail in the coffin.
Why is it 420?

It’s a reason why this ****was a problem. It’s ******* DELICIOUS. :pimp: I kinda miss it.
Yes it's supposed to taste good, lucky I am it wasn't with ingredients or preparation when I tried :rofl:
Plus effects are really strong and you can easily understand how to die with this, as it affects quickly your bpm
And it's almost impossible to look normal if there are people with you while with alcohol you can try to just stay silent and drink a lot of water, but here you're so tired it's suspect :lol:
At least from my experience, don't know for you ?


Mane hold up! Y’all still sippin in Fr-France???
Codeine syrup is common, I don't think the ones over here contain promethazine though. In Belgium, codeine cough syrup was freely available without a prescription until 2014. I've only ever seen codeine syrup with pseudo-ephedrine, which is a combo that is definitely wouldn't make anyone drowsy. By the time the codeine levels would be high enough, the pseudo-ephedrine would feel like a bunch of Redbulls.

Whenever I have a cold I just ask my doctor for codeine/pseudo-ephedrine syrup. That combination is a straight up miracle worker.
One tablespoon and every symptom of the cold almost instantly dissolves for hours.
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