the thread about nothing...

The too much drinking thing exists also as a torture


" The water cure
This torture consisted of tying up the accused and placing him on a wooden plank. From then on, there were several variants. One was to make the convict drink 6 to 12 liters of water. The orifices having been blocked beforehand, it often happened that the stomachs of the victims burst. "

In Paris XVIII Century if I make no mistakes

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The water poisoning is definitely the wildest story I've heard during my internships.
The dumbest story was about a teenage patient (think he was 16 or 17) who had come into the ER with severe chest pains, heart palpitations and arrhythmia. When he was asked if he had consumed any drugs, ... he answered that he drank 16 redbulls at a party. 16.
The too much drinking thing exists also as a torture


" The water cure
This torture consisted of tying up the accused and placing him on a wooden plank. From then on, there were several variants. One was to make the convict drink 6 to 12 liters of water. The orifices having been blocked beforehand, it often happened that the stomachs of the victims burst. "

In Paris XVIII Century if I make no mistakes

This only makes me think of one thing..

“...and just keep FEEDING you and FEEDING you..” :rofl:
Yes it is, but I guess regular people would stop it before danger as there is no fun to do it
Yes, maybe some do it because when you're lack of sleep you're not as usual, I can't tell if people really doing this intentionally, but once we put away every dangerous substance and every chemical substance, it remains mostly weed and shrooms, maybe all kind of herbs too like Salvia or other stuff like this, Ayahuasca etc.
But I wouldn't consider these ones as something "safe", Salvia even bad taken could lead to some bad/shady state of mind, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone :lol:

Shrooms helped me to get cannabis out of my head and I haven't any addiction to shrooms so that's a perfect, didn't take anything not even alcohol for years, or maybe less than 10 cL of alcohol and I instantly regreted it
out of curiosity, does anyone here tried that Ayahuasca concoction? got my job trainer tried that when he went on a trip to south america, saying that it was the most bizarre "trip" that he ever experienced. although he said, that he wouldn't recommend it cause the effects are unknown from person to person. I think one of the stories was that he was talking to a talking snake.
I got admitted to a psychiatric ward once in 2014 due to some kind of weird seizure/psychosis. I'm good on hallucinating. It was all fun and games when the fluorescent cartoon figures were dancing on the walls but when they turned into a swarm of bugs, hell no.
out of curiosity, does anyone here tried that Ayahuasca concoction? got my job trainer tried that when he went on a trip to south america, saying that it was the most bizarre "trip" that he ever experienced. although he said, that he wouldn't recommend it cause the effects are unknown from person to person. I think one of the stories was that he was talking to a talking snake.

How is it possible to do something like cheating a regular job for 15 years and feel good ?
Choose criminal activities instead, at least it's more frank :lol:
Never could understand anything related to fraud, confidence is too important and if you couldn't deserve it, what do you deserve instead ?
Certainly not respect :rofl: And going to jail for what, murder ? No, cheating a job :lol:
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