the thread about nothing...

I did shrooms for the first time last year on my bday and another time about a month after that. The first time, I was with the homie I grew up with. The plan was to eat 2gs get ****** up and go to the beach. I didn’t trip THAT hard. It gave me gas like a MFer. We was in the liquor store and I felt a hot one coming on so I tried to go in a corner away from everyone. Or course, my homeboy walk straight up to me. I tried to tell him to stay back but the shrooms got me. I couldn’t even get the sentence out because I was in tears laughing. :lol: I guess it kicked in for my boy 5 minutes later because just fell apart at the register. Homie was struggling to count $20 bucks. It was a white girl at the other register looking at him in disgust. :lol: Other than that laughing really hard at nothing the only other thing I noticed was my phone looked ******* AMAZING while I was texting. The letters were all 3D and ****. And then my mom FaceTimed me. :lol: :lol:. I held it together. I resisting the urge to tell her how amazing the display was on my iPhone 8 that I had for a million years. :lol: It also kinda made my chest a little tight, akin to rollin on x. I don’t think tripping balls would be all that comfortable. And no, we never made it to the beach.
I did shrooms for the first time last year on my bday and another time about a month after that. The first time, I was with the homie I grew up with. The plan was to eat 2gs get ****** up and go to the beach. I didn’t trip THAT hard. It gave me gas like a MFer. We was in the liquor store and I felt a hot one coming on so I tried to go in a corner away from everyone. Or course, my homeboy walk straight up to me. I tried to tell him to stay back but the shrooms got me. I couldn’t even get the sentence out because I was in tears laughing. :lol: I guess it kicked in for my boy 5 minutes later because just fell apart at the register. Homie was struggling to count $20 bucks. It was a white girl at the other register looking at him in disgust. :lol: Other than that laughing really hard at nothing the only other thing I noticed was my phone looked ******* AMAZING while I was texting. The letters were all 3D and ****. And then my mom FaceTimed me. :lol: :lol:. I held it together. I resisting the urge to tell her how amazing the display was on my iPhone 8 that I had for a million years. :lol: It also kinda made my chest a little tight, akin to rollin on x. I don’t think tripping balls would be all that comfortable. And no, we never made it to the beach.
I remember some classmates taking cannabis while at school many moons ago. one instance were two of them couldn't help like smile like a pair of idiots all-day and laugh while at class. another instance is another classmate that would just sing ridiculous songs and use me as an inspiration. getting stoned seems fun when you are young.
Huffing paint is like sniffing glue. Helllllllll no and I hope I don't know anyone who did :lol:
I don't know how desperate at rock bottom I'd need to be to even consider huffing paint.
I did shrooms for the first time last year on my bday and another time about a month after that. The first time, I was with the homie I grew up with. The plan was to eat 2gs get ****** up and go to the beach. I didn’t trip THAT hard. It gave me gas like a MFer. We was in the liquor store and I felt a hot one coming on so I tried to go in a corner away from everyone. Or course, my homeboy walk straight up to me. I tried to tell him to stay back but the shrooms got me. I couldn’t even get the sentence out because I was in tears laughing. :lol: I guess it kicked in for my boy 5 minutes later because just fell apart at the register. Homie was struggling to count $20 bucks. It was a white girl at the other register looking at him in disgust. :lol: Other than that laughing really hard at nothing the only other thing I noticed was my phone looked ******* AMAZING while I was texting. The letters were all 3D and ****. And then my mom FaceTimed me. :lol: :lol:. I held it together. I resisting the urge to tell her how amazing the display was on my iPhone 8 that I had for a million years. :lol: It also kinda made my chest a little tight, akin to rollin on x. I don’t think tripping balls would be all that comfortable. And no, we never made it to the beach.

I wish you would have made it to the beach. :frown:
I'm trying to think what other drug hacks are their? Licking toads is fake right? I remember seeing something about smoking orange peels but that didn't even make sense to me.
I'm trying to think what other drug hacks are their? Licking toads is fake right? I remember seeing something about smoking orange peels but that didn't even make sense to me.
Pretty sure you're thinking of banana peels, those stringy parts. It's nonsense by the way.
I remember someone in my highschool actually tried it :lol: Dried those peels and then tried to smoke them.

Licking toads is real as far as I know.
I'm trying to think what other drug hacks are their? Licking toads is fake right? I remember seeing something about smoking orange peels but that didn't even make sense to me.
Trying to not sleep for a long period or drink too much water ? :lol:
Didn't try everything at all but for me only cannabis and shrooms could both have interest and being not too much dangerous
Hallucinogenes are less dangerous than delirogenics, as you stay aware of having taken drugs, but everything which makes you forget this is not reality is insane

EDIT : May the smokers here confirm eat a mango 30 minutes before cannabis make the experience more intense ? Read that, never tried
I'm trying to think what other drug hacks are their? Licking toads is fake right? I remember seeing something about smoking orange peels but that didn't even make sense to me.
Lol Whippets ain’t nothing but nitrous oxide packs. You can’t smoke orange peels but if you leave them in a jar with weed it’ll make the weed fluff up. Leave the peels in there too long and it’ll mildew.
Drinking too much water is dangerous. Sleep depravity sounds awful
Yes it is, but I guess regular people would stop it before danger as there is no fun to do it
Yes, maybe some do it because when you're lack of sleep you're not as usual, I can't tell if people really doing this intentionally, but once we put away every dangerous substance and every chemical substance, it remains mostly weed and shrooms, maybe all kind of herbs too like Salvia or other stuff like this, Ayahuasca etc.
But I wouldn't consider these ones as something "safe", Salvia even bad taken could lead to some bad/shady state of mind, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone :lol:

Shrooms helped me to get cannabis out of my head and I haven't any addiction to shrooms so that's a perfect, didn't take anything not even alcohol for years, or maybe less than 10 cL of alcohol and I instantly regreted it
Drinking too much water is dangerous. Sleep depravity sounds awful
I have a 'too much water' story from when I was interning as a nurse at a hospital.

A coworker and I had to go pick someone up from the ER. While going down the elevator, someone from the ER joins us and starts telling us about an incident that had apparently just taken place. A patient came in with water poisoning and had drank something like 7 liters in 2 hours. The patient kept demanding more water though. He was put in a room with the water shut off but was quickly discovered drinking toilet water. The bathroom was then locked and in pure desperation, the patient grabbed a bottle of iso-betadine (disinfectant) and quickly tried to drink that before being restrained.
I have a 'too much water' story from when I was interning as a nurse at a hospital.

A coworker and I had to go pick someone up from the ER. While going down the elevator, someone from the ER joins us and starts telling us about an incident that had apparently just taken place. A patient came in with water poisoning and had drank something like 7 liters in 2 hours. The patient kept demanding more water. He was put in a room with the water shut off but was quickly discovered drinking toilet water. The bathroom was then locked and in pure desperation, the patient grabbed a bottle of iso-betadine (disinfectant) and quickly tried to drink that before being restrained.
Why did the patient think they were so thirsty?
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