the thread about nothing...

"My Umi says shine your light on the world,shine your light for the world to see" 

Heard this on the radio about a week ago and it just had me bumpin through the streets.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by cs02132

Originally Posted by ErickM713

My boy's coming next weekend to help me start setting up my lab.
I can finally start producing 



Irony at its finest.
My boys name is Jesse 

This show is smoking. Literally and figuratively. I'm on season three and each season has not disappointed me.
Originally Posted by kix28

This show is smoking. Literally and figuratively. I'm on season three and each season has not disappointed me.

Which characters do you like and dislike?
What elements of the show do you like and dislike?

On another note:
I just finished my essay.
I'm not perfect and I look up to pimps in a way but the fact that women/dudes strip and sell their bodies for money is mind blowing
Call me a simp but some of those women stripping and selling cot are gorgeous..
I'm lazy as ++!..
I'm seeking truth in everything from here on out

Red pill here I come lol
When I get older I will be stronger
They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back, oh

love this song
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by kix28

This show is smoking. Literally and figuratively. I'm on season three and each season has not disappointed me.

Which characters do you like and dislike?
What elements of the show do you like and dislike?

On another note:
I just finished my essay.

That gif had me lmao.I like Walt but he is an idiot at times and seems to get so many lucky breaks. Walts brother in law ,i cant recall his name at the moment , is pretty badass but is also a dude I find annoying at time. Jesse is just a complete !*# haha but a part of me is still pulling for him to make it and do better and not be an addict. I dislike walts sister in law she pisses me off a lot and also his wife. If his wife only knew what he does to try and help out his family. I just started season three but IMO season 1 still is top dawg cuz season two was okay it didn't disappoint me. what about you? Which is the best season so far? Also thank God I found another show to be watching while I wait for one of the greatest shows I have ever watched S.O.A. (SAMCRO) to navrettre what were you referring to about being not bad?im just wondering?
Where can I upload a 500 mb 20 minute video?
It's too big for Youtube and Vimeo.

I recorded a good amount of Big K.R.I.T.'s set 2 months ago and I can't any where to upload it to 
My girlfriend broke up with me last week, I'm actually happier.
I can't wait for Diablo III to come out, I'm about to buy a new gaming laptop for my birthday.
Not a lot of my friends enjoy baseball as much as I do.
To the people who reported my previous post: I would like to apologize. I did not use that word as a slur substitute. Nigahiga is a youtuber who rose to fame through his how to be so and so videos. In my previous post, I was making a reference to the similarities between Nigahiga and that nter posing as something that they are not.

On another note: Thanks for the recommadtion yng! I'm on my phone so I'll check that movie out when I get on my comp.
How many Rusty Shaklefords are there on here? Was there one of them in Miami last week? Just heard about him on a podcast
said son just walked into a $700 dollar con without paying and taking food after the panel was over
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

I just love this trailer:
Son...I cannot wait for this game. 

Me and my friend have logged in countless hours on the first one in split screen. Got like 5 different characters each.

Soldier class >>>>

Love that turret.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

How many Rusty Shaklefords are there on here? Was there one of them in Miami last week? Just heard about him on a podcast
said son just walked into a $700 dollar con without paying and taking food after the panel was over
I think there is only two
Me(kel) and Rusty Shakleford
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

I just love this trailer:
Son...I cannot wait for this game.�

Me and my friend have logged in countless hours on the first one in split screen. Got like 5 different characters each.�

Soldier class >>>>

Love that turret.
I need someone to finish this DLC with. And yea Soldier Class >>> 
Looks like it will be better than ever in 2.

I think there is only two
Me(kel) and Rusty Shakleford

If they was talking about him
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