the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

You on PS3 Uptempo? I might get on later in the day.

And which DLC is it?

Damn. I got it on my 360 tho 
Damn lol...which DLC are you having trouble with? I played through them all tons of times.

Knoxx armory glitch
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Damn lol...which DLC are you having trouble with? I played through them all tons of times.

Knoxx armory glitch
I have them all but I haven't touched Knoxx yet. Been playing Claptrap's. Not really having trouble but !!@* is boring without a party and all my friends stop playing months ago
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Damn lol...which DLC are you having trouble with? I played through them all tons of times.

Knoxx armory glitch
I have them all but I haven't touched Knoxx yet. Been playing Claptrap's. Not really having trouble but !!@* is boring without a party and all my friends stop playing months ago
Didn't bother getting DLC once I heard 2 was coming out.
Originally Posted by Gnarled

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Damn lol...which DLC are you having trouble with? I played through them all tons of times.

Knoxx armory glitch
I have them all but I haven't touched Knoxx yet. Been playing Claptrap's. Not really having trouble but !!@* is boring without a party and all my friends stop playing months ago
Didn't bother getting DLC once I heard 2 was coming out.

I have a habit of buying DLC and not playing due to newer games out and with this drought going on right now I have time to finish most. I need to finish that RDR Zombie DLC
Wow, somebody reported iYen!? He's been one of the coolest members on this board for a minute now. And based on his apology it seems whatever he posted was taken completely out of context. At least he didn't get banned. Dude be killing it with the gifs.
Originally Posted by SpaceLemonkush

Am i wrong for using pof just to smash and get some head and never speak to girl anymore?

As long as you are being up front with your intentions and are aware that you could get that late night text that says I'm late text from a chick whose number you haven't saved.
SMH, mug is censored on here?

Well I guess it's only censored if another mug follows. Is this because of the dude that use to say it in every post? SMH, I thought dude was funny.
Wale gets hella flak on NT but i really dig this song, never really heard anything recent from him.....Mixtape about nothing in the Thread about nothing.....
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by iYen

Hey iYen, I know you said on here you like action flicks, and with your name being iYen, I thought  I'd share..
Donnie Yen is coming out with a new movie where he plays the Monkey King, called "The Monkey King"

I'm very excited to see this, I love the monkey king story, Jet Li was awesome as MK in "Forbidden Kingdom" imo, and I can't wait to see  his take on it..

July 7th 2012 release date.

I'm not familiar with the historical context behind the monkey king, but I'll watch it since Yen and Yun-Fat are in it.
I just watched the trailer for Forbidden Kingdom, i looks alright so I put it on my to-watch list.
Thanks for the recommendations.

Originally Posted by kix28

That gif had me lmao.I like Walt but he is an idiot at times and seems to get so many lucky breaks. Walts brother in law ,i cant recall his name at the moment , is pretty badass but is also a dude I find annoying at time. Jesse is just a complete !*# haha but a part of me is still pulling for him to make it and do better and not be an addict. I dislike walts sister in law she pisses me off a lot and also his wife. If his wife only knew what he does to try and help out his family. I just started season three but IMO season 1 still is top dawg cuz season two was okay it didn't disappoint me. what about you? Which is the best season so far? Also thank God I found another show to be watching while I wait for one of the greatest shows I have ever watched S.O.A. (SAMCRO) to navrettre what were you referring to about being not bad?im just wondering?
Yeah, you're right. That is why I think this comic is so hilarious.

I had the same opinions of the characters that you're describing. One of them came around and the other...not so much.
Season 4, imo is the best season.
Are you talking about Sons of Anarchy?
If so, which do you like better, Breaking Bad or SOA?
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