the thread about nothing...

Today's Run
We've got a new soccer team in Austin and the stadium is down the street and the games seem to be packed based on all the people/traffic. I even thought about air bnb-ing my place.
I used to do gymnastics and I used to hoop. My footwork/balance is like Kobe and Simone Biles. I could do that backwards.
Started selling my Jay’s on eBay. And these clowns be low balling to a point they got to be trolling.

For instance, I am selling my 2000-2012 retro collection. So a lot of the sneakers could possible crumble. So I put it $20-$30 below the advised value you on eBay.

Listed price is $150. He offered $115. I said $135. He goes $117. I said $137.

I would punch some of these people in the face with these bs offers in person.
Welcome to the struggle :lol:
Have to make some breaks sometimes, they don't respect anything...
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