the thread about nothing...

Never a good thing when your girlfriend asks you for money, and if it becomes an habit...

Important relations are always better when there is no money involved, because when there are emotions you couldn't say no sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's a real yes, or people take an eternity to refund you and you have to recall them about it, which is something you don't want either...
When it's possible, of course, better avoid occasions for people you love to then use this kind of situations against you and then appear as a mean person...
What are your thoughts about shared income though? Because one person will always make more, so technically isn't one always "borrowing money" from a certain point of view? :nerd:
Never a good thing when your girlfriend asks you for money, and if it becomes an habit...

Important relations are always better when there is no money involved, because when there are emotions you couldn't say no sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's a real yes, or people take an eternity to refund you and you have to recall them about it, which is something you don't want either...
When it's possible, of course, better avoid occasions for people you love to then use this kind of situations against you and then appear as a mean person...

this is the kind of wisdom I wish to impart to my young son once he comes of age. always look for a woman who is willing to spend on you and not on them. this is also a way of avoiding high maintenance and the probability of leaving you is small.
What are your thoughts about shared income though? Because one person will always make more, so technically isn't one always "borrowing money" from a certain point of view? :nerd:
it's all relative. shared income has to do with trust and the belief that both of you agree on and the likelihood of staying together forever is most likely. the problem is, it's so difficult nowadays to find someone trustworthy. also, in our case, it's not necessarily borrowing money but accepting to the fact that both of you need to support each other financially. for some people, this kind of belief and arrangement doesn't work if the other party is selfish or lazy.

for me, I don't really care if the other earns more or not. it's about both your shared goals.
5 years people in some random mall witness a senseless broad daylight murder in the middle of said mall, and they all stood around and watched.

:wow: Dude MURDERED that ****!
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