the thread about nothing...

I’m surprised there’s not a term for people who are compelled to clear out notifications. Not even necessarily read them all, but just getting rid of the dot or tag. I’ve been that way since before cell phones. When I’d unlock new things in video games, I always felt to need to at least put the cursor on it to remove the marker. OMG those weird *** games that never remove the marker drive me. I’ll spend an extra minute or two in the minute just trying to clear those out. Or, at least the ones I have to look at. It can be outrageous at times. COD I’m look at you.
I’m surprised there’s not a term for people who are compelled to clear out notifications. Not even necessarily read them all, but just getting rid of the dot or tag. I’ve been that way since before cell phones. When I’d unlock new things in video games, I always felt to need to at least put the cursor on it to remove the marker. OMG those weird *** games that never remove the marker drive me. I’ll spend an extra minute or two in the minute just trying to clear those out. Or, at least the ones I have to look at. It can be outrageous at times. COD I’m look at you.
Thank god more games are putting in a 'mark all notifications as read' function.
Battlefield 4 used to drive me nuts because the markers for new weapon parts and skins etc. kept reappearing despite clearing them.
NT's search option is a joke, at this point I'ld rather use Bing :lol:
Every time I try to find a topic about a shoe if I'm not adding "official" behind nothing happened...
It's not working as Google, Google gives results, then you could specify, but here if you're not specifying things first you'ld get lost, or you have to go manually into active forums to find yours...
Or in your config pannel...Nothing really intuitive...Already had the notifications problem too. It's not a real problem as long as you don't post in a lot of topics though.
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When you think your contain was too hard but you just cliked the wrong button :lol:
I’m surprised there’s not a term for people who are compelled to clear out notifications. Not even necessarily read them all, but just getting rid of the dot or tag. I’ve been that way since before cell phones. When I’d unlock new things in video games, I always felt to need to at least put the cursor on it to remove the marker. OMG those weird *** games that never remove the marker drive me. I’ll spend an extra minute or two in the minute just trying to clear those out. Or, at least the ones I have to look at. It can be outrageous at times. COD I’m look at you.

Great observationals.

I am also thw same way but never consciously thought about IT.
Thinking about Jordan III's make me want to rock my Dub Zero, I think it's time, first you treat your shoes with a lot of respect as they're new and you don't want to trash them, then you realize a lot of them from 2014/2015 : IT'S TIME.

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Love what they did with this one, laser, elephant, leather, would be even better without visible air unit as this one isn't especially impressive in comparison of some end of nineties air max, but it's just being punctilious
Worst thing is to have to deal with people who have your defaults, it could make you feel like #### as it acts like a mirror, hate this :lol:
Like : okay, this is why they hate me :rofl:
If I ever bought a pair of Jordan 1’s for resale (not any time soon), it’d be the Spiderverses


I'm now trying to resist to these ones :lol:
Low sneakers are more versatile because everything bulky need more daring to be worn with a jogger, while low shoes could look great even with some short, I think I'm in love again with J's, and one thing great about the I's is they look even better aging, which is not true for all J's, it must be the most profitable one, it's like crease on J's, we're supposed to not wanting it but once your leather crease your shoes become instantly way more comfortable...
I's and III's are maybe the most easy to wear because a lot of J's are great to watch but to wear not necessary the easiest ones...
Wonder what would be a prototype of greatest elements of both J's and Air Max, 98's could be a good choice to mix with J's as they got a lot of personality
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