the thread about nothing...

No b/c Blur isn't big in the U.S., Placebo definitely, Pulp neither. Oasis has 'Wonderwall' some ppl over here might recognize it, but considering the time period they weren't big over here either. Fanbases for music w/ " foreign accents" is kinda niche over here. Even strong Canadians are frowned upon to degree. Jamaicans have managed to find themselves in the States, but even them it's regional specific, they get a wave here every few years. Afrobeat only had a run here b/c ppl thought it was Jamaican :lol:

The only English band I can think of that's established over here in my life time is Radiohead, & even w/ them their fanbase is very niche. Our media is very systematic, fixed, & people don't try, it's somewhat concerning how ppl just switched to streaming.
We have no problem with english accent as we learned english, not american, in school, with teachers with strong english accents :lol:
They do ar-ti-cu-late :rofl:
Might be one of the reasons I like LGR on YouTube, the way he talks is pleasant to my ears, while I hate vocal fry some women use on YouTube :lol:
I also think I have more chances to understand an Indian or a Latino American speaking english than a "typical" American, I could be wrong

EDIT : UK, USA, Japan are the ones the France is the more influenced by when it comes to culture I think
Welp, back in the hospital from some unexplained seizure :smh:
Same symptoms as about a year ago. I only remember watching tv and then the next thing I remember was the ambulance arriving and feeling really really weak and nauseous with a bad headache. During the part I have no recollection of, I apparently started saying nonsensical gibberish, all my muscles started spasming and my moath started foaming.

As expected, no explanation found, just like the last one. Tomorrow I’ll probably be released, assuming further tests turn out ‘normal’.

I got pretty lucky here with the timing of the seizure but in the previous one for example, I was just about to go up my stairs as I was about to open the door to the stairway, the seizure kicked in and I hit my head on the wall while falling down

Hopefully they can figure out what's causing your condition and keep us updated with that.
Speaking of, I had my 2nd round of chemo yesterday and things are going well. Havent felt tired all day til now, but good news is the masses I had that I could actually feel (left chest, left side of my neck) have already basically disappeared. I can feel them slightly but they arent hard or potruding out anymore! Amazed how quick it is. The right side of my neck which is the biggest mass I have also shrank but its still there, probably another session or so and my neck will look normal. Bad news is that im advanced stage but staging in Hodgkins isnt the same as staging in say lung cancer, its not based on severity in a sense but where it has spread. Its spread all over in me but docs said thats not a huge issue (relatively speaking). Im listed as curable in their charts so, fingers crossed!
That chemo is handling that ****, stay strong man. I'm glad things are going in the right direction.
I bet sales of these skyrocketed shortly afterward. :lol:

Yes, I heard that movie helped sell those Vans like crazy.

Same here! It’s one of those that come on and I’ll sit through the whole thing :lol: I love it because it’s kinda like a time machine and shows me what the area and kids were like right around the time I was a toddler. I recognized all the scenes so it’s mind blowing when I think back to my own moments there.

I reminisced on that movie a lot mentally on Thursday just because you mentioned it on here. Your post I'm quoting corroborated what I was thinking too.

That movie was transcendent because it actually appealed to all ethnic backgrounds who were youths during that period. I was pleasantly surprised that it was known and embraced by all ethnic groups who have seen that movie because I assumed it wouldn't catch on due to the cast being predominantly White and the film's region with its culture.

That movie also makes wish I visited the mall that it was filmed in, Sherman Oaks Galleria. I heard that mall was like a mecca in the '80s that attracted people from outside of the Valley, especially teenagers. By the time I knew about it, it underwent a major renovation that became what it is today, a mixed-use mall that's mostly offices and hardly any retail. I wish I visited the original mall incarnation during its heyday, but I was too young to know it living in another area.

The renovated incarnation of Sherman Oaks Galleria is almost 20 years old now because I recall it reopened in the beginning of 2002.
That movie also makes wish I visited the mall that it was filmed in, Sherman Oaks Galleria. I heard that mall was like a mecca in the '80s that attracted people from outside of the Valley, especially teenagers. By the time I knew about it, it underwent a major renovation that became what it is today, a mixed-use mall that's mostly offices and hardly any retail. I wish I visited the original mall incarnation during its heyday, but I was too young to know it living in another area.

I frequently visited that mall starting in 1988 since I live just a mile and half down the street from it. It looked exactly like it did in the movie. The stores inside changed but that’s expected 6-7 years after filming. I went to the arcade with friends, saw movies at the cine-plex and bought several toys from Kay-Bee Toy store. Got my first pair of og Reebok Questions when I started high school too. Had a school friend who even worked there in 97/98 when we started hearing rumors that the mall would be shut down due to low attendance. I think it finally happened during our senior year of high school. I was devastated when they tore it down since I was thinking it would only be a slight remodel. It was torn down fully and looked nothing like the OG version but still managed to squeeze in some visits as a college student. I had plenty of friends who worked at the AMC theatre and Virgin record store inside. Free movies and music cd’s had me hanging out often, lol. Eventually I grew tired and haven’t been to this place since 2006. I have 80s and 90s memories of that place and I truly miss it.
Yes.. I want to see if the niketalk urban legend is true?

I'm going to lie to young 6 rings G.O.A.T that if you save all of your money.. instead of buying sneakers I'll own a Lamborghini.. :rofl:
I prefer having amount of sneakers than a lambo :lol: hate to drive so it would be too much stress with zero pleasure
While having sneakers could be a passion like collecting anything, but collecting cars is expensive, or let's say having a Smart with sneakers all over the trunk :lol:

Edit : I could imagine what it could have been if I only bought Cortez because they don't cost a lot, they're often in sales, and it's the kind of shoe I like to wear a lot, especially leather models. I probably spent a very little on a collection like this while anything with Air Unit could cost us a lot...

The guy who only bought shoes without technology could spend very few money on a collection, like Reebok Classic, again a not expensive often in sales one, and with leather for some of them, while leather likes to be worn unlike cheap textile / nylon...
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