the thread about nothing...

it was the third of September
That day I'll always remember, yes I will
'Cause that was the day that my daddy died
I never got a chance to see him
Never heard nothing but bad things about him
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth
Mama just hung her head and said

Exhausting day. I started without losing time at the very beginning of my day of work. Because I'm on vacations now :smokin
So I have been very organized without the konfusion. In order to finish at time. But people don't want you to win :lol:
So some ############# quite succeed to make me lose. BUT they wasn't expected so much laziness from myself.
So, while one of them, who always leaves early, or at regular time, but never AFTER, tried to make me a part of a problem we had, I hurted her with a " I don't know I wasn't there ", then good bye :lol:

Don't think we don't know the rules this game we're playing for years now :smokin:rofl:

Stay calm and make them eat their #### :lol:
MJ's nephews. Wonder why they didnt blow. Their singles were smash hits.
I'd say they were ahead of their time. wrong generation. just imagine if Milli Vanilli just came out in this generation. rather than criticized, they'd be admired. just think about people like Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kesha, all of the auto-tuners performing in the 80s, they'd be crucified.
I'd say they were ahead of their time. wrong generation. just imagine if Milli Vanilli just came out in this generation. rather than criticized, they'd be admired. just think about people like Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kesha, all of the auto-tuners performing in the 80s, they'd be crucified.
Auto tune =/= someone else doing the vocals.
Covid was just last year.. :rofl:
Covid? it's so last year. - spoken by social media influencer.

Me? it's freakin serious. we have our first case of Delta from a co-worker. the attitude though is a bit more mixed. a bit worried but not as much as the last time we had a suspected case. on the otherhand, with unvaccinated minors around us, we are not taking it too lightly. also, paranoia is still real. been having some throat irritation these past couple of days so just being on the lookout for further symptoms.
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