the thread about nothing...

It’s all good. Some people start late.
Tired with ADSL / need fiber / already said / ain't done yet / stop

glissements progressifs du plaisir 1974 1.jpg glissements progressifs du plaisir 1974 2.jpg

EDIT : So there's an album called like that, thanks the Internet and curiosity

I was betting on some hip hop album from the nineties :lol:
Discovering this Blues album, really nice one, it took me years to appreciate that genre
This group was created in 1965 according Wiki...
So Ain't done yet is definitely a good title :D
Funny how the romance side, the tentative of seduction, not physically but by talking with a woman, could be pleasant.
While physically could or couldn't. Because some details could make a difference in a good or in a bad way.
And do we really want to be with a woman who is fluctuating about superficial things ?
Sometimes, even if it's not, things seemed to be easy to get, but you don't really want them, not as if they were bad things for you, but because you know something better is waiting for you and you don't want to waste your time and energy, and this, even if it got to fail. Because you don't want to take something just because it is easy. And if this something is not a something but a someone also by putting some respect on this someone name. Be with someone just because that was easy is not the best compliment that exists...
Got to try, got to fail I guess, and if we succeed, we'ld be kings, if we fail, then we could try the easy way with no remorse, convincing ourselves it's better for us as we have already been thinking about it at the time...
All this blah blah and no woman to read it, such a waste.
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