the thread about nothing...

Bel-Air started tonight. Haven't watched it yet but I will, just off the strength Will gave a young dude a chance to get in the game. Still wish it was reversed with Will taking his spoiled rich kids back to Philly from Bel Air to show them what the real world is like tho

Was out back checking up on some shoes I’m Retro-Brighting in the sun. I don’t know what made me look up but I saw something shiny metallic and circular high up in the air. I’m talking waaaay up there. Even the passenger jets weren't that far up in elevation. Anyways, this thing moved towards the clouds and moved pretty quickly for its altitude. Pics for proof...object was much brighter than the photos show, had a glare to it.


Coincidence this helicopter was circling the area?
Todays Run
A 24 min 3 Mil is solid... That was my average run time in the Marines.. and I was usually towards the tail end of the run... Crazy how marines used to do PFTs hungover on 2 hours of sleep and still run a 25 min 3 mile like it was nothing ....

The top fit Marines would do it in 17-18 mins... Those dudes were unreal... Most likely couldn't carry the .50 cal up a mountain but they could deliver a message on foot if needed ..
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