the thread about nothing...

A 24 min 3 Mil is solid... That was my average run time in the Marines.. and I was usually towards the tail end of the run... Crazy how marines used to do PFTs hungover on 2 hours of sleep and still run a 25 min 3 mile like it was nothing ....

The top fit Marines would do it in 17-18 mins... Those dudes were unreal... Most likely couldn't carry the .50 cal up a mountain but they could deliver a message on foot if needed ..
Running 25min 3miles after 2hours of sleep and hung over sounds tough af. Y'all built different man. Might sound cliche but ima say it anyways...thanks for your service bruh.

Right now my average 3 mile is at 24min also, or 25min for 3.11mile (5k). I sort of hit a brick wall as far as pushing my time down. I can run more miles and keep a 8min pace, but hard for me to run all my miles at a 7min pace or 21-22min 3 mile. I've been stuck running the same comfortable pace for a long while now. Hopefully I can try & pick things up as the weather gets better.

There are some cats on here that run the 18-21min 5K but they usually in the running shoe or running threads.
Been waiting all season to make this meme. I don't like Eli's character on the field.
Screenshot_20220214-051731_Samsung Notes.jpg

Meme is 100% correct. :lol:

Reminds me (kinda not really) like when Ye performed All Day at some British awards. Prolly told him no cursing and no n word and Ye tried at first and 30 seconds later that went out the window. :lol:

Was he planning to do it and they shut it down? Or they just randomly told Em not to do it.
tell me about it. last time I saw my nieces and nephew, they were around 3,5,6,7,8 years old. all of a sudden, I'm now a Grandpa. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTT !!!

Can’t wait to tease my sister once she becomes a grandmother. She’s got this thing about getting older, haha.
Meme is 100% correct. :lol:

Reminds me (kinda not really) like when Ye performed All Day at some British awards. Prolly told him no cursing and no n word and Ye tried at first and 30 seconds later that went out the window. :lol:

Was he planning to do it and they shut it down? Or they just randomly told Em not to do it.
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