the thread about nothing...

I gave this EXACT sweater to a homeless dude who sweeps up the local Salvation Army. He was super excited because he said it reminded him of his youth. I hope he’s doing well and that this winter isn’t too harsh for him.
Why is the treadmill even necessary besides making a video.

I swear l can't imagine setting up a tripod to film myself working out. ESPECIALLY in public. Fighting through the cringe would be more daunting than the actual workout.

The worst are the ones where you can tell the phone is placed in the floor and the angle is horrid. What reaction do they expect? 'yo I've never seen a workout video before! Thank you for this motivation, I'm about to turn my life around.'
I just want someone to have as much faith in me as Samsung has in Bixby. Someone's life must be depending on that feature to blow.
I can understand if it was justifiable - racist, sexist or homophobic - I can understand the report.

But like the other NTer said, either I’ll call them out or ignore them.
I dont do internet arguments. **** gives me anxiety.

I come here to vent about **** no one else cares about and laugh at dumb stuff. Hate for my comfort space to become one where conflict takes place...I refuse to participate more often than not.

I am reclaiming my space.
I was walking back from getting my lotto tickets yesterday and as I took a shortcut through an alley I found a bunch of DVD’s next to a trash bin. There were about 80 of them in their original cases but.....some were wet! Lol. Turns out it was an apartment fire and they threw out stuff damaged by it.

Anyway, I walked off with the entire 1970’s C.H.i.Ps tv show (vol.1-6) and 4 volumes of the 80’s Smurfs cartoons :lol:🔥
I always say you got an issue with me, hit me in the PM.
I can understand if it was justifiable - racist, sexist or homophobic - I can understand the report.

But like the other NTer said, either I’ll call them out or ignore them.

I didn't report dude

He is making things up because he has an issue with me

I got posts deleted too. But he was throwing out homophobic insults at other people.
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