the thread about nothing...

This rabbit had 3 babies in the middle of my parents yard . I went to leave and I see the mom rabbit and a skunk outside … thinking they just chillin . Next thing you know the damn skunk picks up the baby and it’s squealing like crazy . Mom just hopping around panicking . Had to throw a broom at it so it would drop it . **** was chaos lol. Didn’t know skunks eat damn baby rabbits

This rabbit had 3 babies in the middle of my parents yard . I went to leave and I see the mom rabbit and a skunk outside … thinking they just chillin . Next thing you know the damn skunk picks up the baby and it’s squealing like crazy . Mom just hopping around panicking . Had to throw a broom at it so it would drop it . **** was chaos lol. Didn’t know skunks eat damn baby rabbits

Same way with ****s. Before I felt good about them roaming around the neighborhood. They look alright and seems to be going along well with us humans. Watching some videos made me realize they are ferocious carnivores eating birds or whatever they come across.
I hate that. Doesn’t matter what song. You in the car chilling and jamming and then, at the absolute best part, someone call you to talk about nothing. Make it so bad, they’re in the car driving too. :stoneface:
The worse. Especially when it's supposed to be the last song. Pisses me all the way off
Bruhs I brushed my teeth 5 am. It is now 1:15 and a coffee later and my mouth still feels minty fresh. Crest 3D is the truth!!! :wow:

he is not amused.

Most dads wont give af if their daughters are lesbian. Boarderline good news. Half the stuff fathers teach their daughters is so they don’t have to worry about coming home to their daughters getting whammed by the football team.
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