the thread about nothing...

Its rare I find someone that has blue as their favorite color

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It’s getting harder to write everytime
I think of something it sounds stupid. I was on a roll yesterday but today just freestyling was trash.. comeback season
These ads are ridiculous fam. I understood we need money but damn. Every 5 post bruh. I can’t be the only one going through this pain.
Word, the ad comes up and covers half the screen on mobile, then you have to minimize it and select the tiny x on the right side. Too many times I accidentally hit the Reply button as it is right above the x.

Buzzfeed/Complex put us in a tough spot by wrongfully withholding publisher earnings amidst their ongoing business crisis.

We’ve had to audition replacements, but have yet to identify a viable long term solution. We’ll be giving another provider a try soon, and hopefully you’ll prefer the experience.

That said, diminishing ad revenues are a large part of the reason why even big Internet publishers like Buzzfeed have been going out of business. NikeTalk costs a lot of money to keep online, and if you’re only making 40 cents per thousand ad impressions then you’d either need to be serving a ton of impressions, using dirt cheap, automated infrastructure, and/or supplementing through other revenue streams.

We do the best we can to offer a good experience to everyone, but that requires us to ensure that the site benefits from quality infrastructure and moderation. When we used to run the entire site ad free, we simply couldn’t cover the site’s expenses, but we do offer an ad free option for those who want it:

Ad free subscription fees are nowhere near enough to cover the site expenses, so we rely on ad revenue for that and have been donating the subscription fees to charity.

The entire team and I use the ad-supported version of the site, but because no two users have the same experience it is helpful when people report any bad ads they encounter in our Bug Reports forum.

Anyone else getting privacy errors with they try to pull up NT on chrome? Methodical Management Methodical Management
Most Chrome users are not experiencing this, and the only way I was able to reproduce it was on a machine that was over a decade old.

I’d need more information about your connection/device to diagnose this, as well as the specific error message you’re seeing, so it’d be better to follow up via PM, but it seems that what may be happening here is that your browser is fetching the OLDEST - rather than most recent - SSL certificate associated with the site, and that would date all the way back to the 2010’s, when we first switched to HTTPS after moving to the Huddler platform.

This shouldn’t be an issue on a recent device, but it might also be possible for someone to encounter an error like this if using something that attempts to intervene with browser requests - like a proxy or VPN.

Again, this isn’t really the best place to have that discussion - so I’d recommend creating a bug report or following up via PM.

Ive been using Brave browser on mobile for the last week I like it so far. Chrome been really buggy for me not just with NT recently

Brave is a Peter Theil-backed parasite that attempts to insert itself in between publishers and users to siphon off revenue.

I’m no fan of what Shoshana Zuboff has termed Surveillance Capitalism (she’s written a great book on the subject, for those so inclined), and I share people’s frustrations with the current state of online display advertising, but Brave does not provide a viable alternative.

It’s yet another buzzword-infused VC money pit that will, at some point sooner rather than later, need to start to find its own means of sustenance or die. And, for all their self-righteousness about privacy, they’ve been attempting some pretty sneaky means of deriving profits - from injecting their own ads and collecting donations on behalf of sites without their consent to launching a surreptitious cryptocurrency affiliate scheme, and now that ”web3” is fizzling out they’re moving on to selling AI training data.

If I were to start a search engine called “Braver” that took your search query, ran it through Brave’s search engine, replicated its results, and then ran ads over them, I‘d tend to think they’d cry foul. And yet, that’s essentially what they’ve been doing to the entire Internet.

If I could block their browser from accessing NikeTalk entirely I would.

The Internet should be growing larger and more diverse over time. Instead, the number of different sites/services we use each day has been in decline - and that trend will only worsen as more sites go out of business or submit to mergers/acquisitions.

We’ve grown accustomed to hopping from one unsustainable “free” service to the next, which start out operating at a loss to build users and then are forced to either close or resort to extreme measures to try and balance their books.

Reddit, for example, is now forcing its users to accept “personalized advertising,” just weeks after seizing control of whole communities built on volunteer labor - not unlike what Yuku attempted to do with our community over a decade ago.

Everyone can see what’s happened to Twitter.

What happens when the flow of “free” replacement services stops?

If NikeTalk isn’t worth money to you, and it isn’t worth viewing ads, then it will eventually cease to exist. And if you think the next “free” alternative will offer the same (or better) moderation and respect for your privacy, I have an NFT to sell you.

[/end rant]
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