the thread about nothing...

So yall ask women what their body count is? If so, do you believe them when they tell you?
So yall ask women what their body count is? If so, do you believe them when they tell you?
I'd never ask for the simple reason that there's no real acceptable answer to this question.
If it's too low, you know she's lying. If it's too high, she was probably a sex worker of some sort :lol:

If you volunteer the info that 300 dicks have been inside of you, my mouth is not going anywhere near you :lol:
I've never been very driven by sex. Honestly, it's not even 1 of the top 5 things I look forward to in a relationship. Look, I'm no monk, but I'm saying: my body count is far below average. I'm only saying that to provide context on why there would be a lot of obstacles to overcome in order for me to be in a long-term relationship with someone that has a body count of well over 300, or even 100. The only reason I would even consider it short-term would be under the assumption that I could knock out damn near every one of my sexual bucket list items. That's not really that important to me, though, but that would be the only reason I would even consider it.

I definitely don't understand dudes with triple-digit body counts looking down on hella high body counts, though.
This is who I feel like, sneaking in my bday announcement:

Did a VO2 test for the 40th:
I definitely don't understand dudes with triple-digit body counts looking down on hella high body counts, though.
They’re the only ones who can could consider wifing a sperm dumpster. Normal folks can’t and shouldn’t because it will never work, there’s an imbalance. You have to be equally yoked in order for it to work long term.
They’re the only ones who can could consider wifing a sperm dumpster. Normal folks can’t and shouldn’t because it will never work, there’s an imbalance. You have to be equally yoked in order for it to work long term.
There’s some truth to this. I remember when I was 19, some girl rocked my world and was so damn sure of herself the whole time with a damn smirk. We were supposed to go out for Halloween the following week. Instead, she ghosted me on Facebook and made me feel like a lost deer fawn for 4 days wondering what happened.😩
There’s some truth to this. I remember when I was 19, some girl rocked my world and was so damn sure of herself the whole time with a damn smirk. We were supposed to go out for Halloween the following week. Instead, she ghosted me on Facebook and made me feel like a lost deer fawn for 4 days wondering what happened.😩
Damn, I’m sorry you went through that. Ghosting sucks even when it’s a platonic relationship, trust me I’ve had both happen and they both sting 😔
Damn, I’m sorry you went through that. Ghosting sucks even when it’s a platonic relationship, trust me I’ve had both happen and they both sting 😔
Yeah it did suck at the time and I was confused as hell. I suspect that she probably was talking to someone else at the same time and picked the other dude. But water under the bridge, I consider it a W since I dodged someone with bad character traits.
Yeah it did suck at the time and I was confused as hell. I suspect that she probably was talking to someone else at the same time and picked the other dude. But water under the bridge, I consider it a W since I dodged someone with bad character traits.

That’s likely what happened but the confusion they like to leave you in is the bad part. Takes nothing to explain why they chose someone else but some folks like keeping you guessing, wondering and self conscious. I’ll even say that they’re prepping you to chase after them. It boosts their ego and that’s all they’ll ever want from you until they no longer value your attention. You dodged a bullet alright, now they’re someone else’s headache.
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