the thread about nothing...

Breaking bad
GOT was ok

I don’t really watch a lot of tv like that

Only reason I’m watching sopranos is cuz a friend claimed it was the best show in history.

Finishing up episode 1 rn and the lie detector test determined, that was a lie
I haven’t seen Ozark but it seems right up my ally. The others in that list are all great shows.

I don’t watch a lot of tv either, especially in recent years.
My top 5 (excluding anime) in no particular order besides Succession at #1:

Hannibal (season 1-2 only)
Narcos & Narcos Mexico
Breaking Bad

I think The Sopranos is fantastic but to me it started falling off in the last 1-2 seasons.
I’d rank it similarly to The Wire.
Overall The Wire is an all-time great but personally I almost dropped it due to how much I disliked season 2. I get why Season 2 is the way it is, and it is extremely important to the overall plot and providing important background information about the rise of the drug trafficking etc, however I really struggled with the pacing.

With Sopranos, at some point it became a slog to get to the finish line but a majority of the show is for sure peak TV.
At this point in time in our existence, if you let anyone tell you that body shape aint THEE body shape, I don't know what to tell you. The real answer to "What do you like about being a model?" is "I get paid money just because I'm attractive." They're professional attractive women.
Going to work in a lot of way was my coping mechanism…my way to escape reality. Nowadays it seems like life has caught on lol and I can’t do that anything.

Have to find new ways to enjoy myself.
You’re not at the outlet store anymore?
Get into some hobbies to release some stress 👍
You’re not at the outlet store anymore?
Get into some hobbies to release some stress 👍
I am still…almost two years in now.

I would normally get excited to go to work, that hasn’t been the case lately. It’s been more of a chore.
I am still…almost two years in now.

I would normally get excited to go to work, that hasn’t been the case lately. It’s been more of a chore.

That sucks. Is there anything challenging they can move you up to? Is it the money?
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