the thread about nothing...

lol I ain't no deadbeat so will accept the death punishment conditional
i wish i could remember the damn name of the place..

im pretty sure they got mad complaints..

i was not expecting that at all..
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when i was 18 i worked at this pizza place...

one night all the cooks were going to a club out in riverside..this is socal.

i had never been to a club so i decided to go..

apparently this place is a mexican restaurant during the day and then at night it turns into a club..

i was expecting like booty music and something i can vibe too...

we get their and its all these dudes in cowboy hats big belt buckles and and snakeskin boots..

the music was that mexican circus music..

i cant dance that ish..i danced with a couple of girls..well i tried and just had to sit down..

then some dude gets on a loud speaker and i couldnt really understand him and everone clears the dance floor..

and these dudes have these big ol smiles on their faces, they start ordering bottles and all types of drinks..

so apparently on mondays they have a legs and body contest..these chicks were pretty much butt naked doing whatever they could to win..

and at 2 when it closed..there was mad cowboys fighting and drinking in the parking lot.
I truly think I'm a "functional" alcoholic. I'll purchase a pint of jack, then have my roommate drive (or whoever is over) to the store to get me another pint of cheap Vodka...this is every other night. I would do it every night, but my daughter comes over every other night. I'm fairly certain I'm addicted.
^^^nope, i think Helen of Troy was......the way school history books paints her and the way it really was.......diff.
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flame suit on...

but I say Marylyn Monroe...

worth cheating on Jackie K for? nah son...
worth a center fold? nah son...
worth writing 'candle in the wind' for? nah son...

she was the first "glorified" woman by our media, and she was not even the cream of the crop at the time
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