the thread about nothing...

I owe two 8 page papers for two different classes today and has not started on either one but I have the source materials needed. Do you think this weekend will count towards each day missed on handing it in or will I be good until next class Tuesday? Should I risk it?
depends what time they are due & what are the topics..I would attempt to complete one and get halfway through with the other

a week from now dont regret not doing the papers man..
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depends what time they are due & what are the topics..I would attempt to complete one and get halfway through with the other

a week from now dont regret not doing the papers man..

All due today in class in an hour. Damb history papers. Definitely going to start cracking tonight after work, but not trying to break night every night.
I am De-subscribing from every email list i am on.

Everyday there is a new sale of some sort. Like just leave me alone i don't need updates every day 3 times a day
Everyday I say I'm going to do this, but never do. It just takes too much effort
Cant wait to get home n sleep
The struggle is real right now at work...went to sleep around 4 and had to be up at 7. 


Then I have to hit the highway for class...
The struggle is real right now at work...went to sleep around 4 and had to be up at 7. 


Then I have to hit the highway for class...

I feel you bro. I have classes from 9-1 then I work 2-10. One more semester though but these two months is killing me plus I'm late on two papers. =(

Stick in there, we shall prevail. Unless you major in basket weaving.
A women that told me she has a child that's 30 years old hit on me last night

Violation, I felt it.
I should go to a doctor and figure out what's wrong with me.

I can never sleep at night and my minds always racing.

i have tinnitus so that causes me stress+ insomnia. best solution i found is to take some melatonin. i got the 3mg ones cause i read the 5mg might be too much and can cause morning drowsiness+ headaches.
A women that told me she has a child that's 30 years old hit on me last night

Violation, I felt it.

How did she look? I would have tried to violate her cervix. Wait...that doesn't sound right. But you get what I'm saying :lol:
you gotta dye out the grey hair gramps
The bettys love da wisdom hairs doe

A women that told me she has a child that's 30 years old hit on me last night

Violation, I felt it.
word to rustyshacklefords story?
I'm probably the only NTer who hasnt read that

A women that told me she has a child that's 30 years old hit on me last night

Violation, I felt it.
How did she look? I would have tried to violate her cervix. Wait...that doesn't sound right. But you get what I'm saying
She was thicker than NT thick, looked like she was in her mid 40's, short hair chocolate skin, but very nice eyes I won't front. She look like a freak though. If I had another shot of Henn, I would have ended up doing the wrong things
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They should give Jesus the Abraham Lincoln treatment.

Jesus of Nazareth: Demon Slayer.

If it looks like a freak, kick that door in Leonidas style b. I missed soooo many opportunities due to not having that radar fine tuned :smh:
There's this 32 year old chick in my class who looks like she's in her 20s .
She has two kids.
One that's 2 another one that's 18 whom she has a class with .

I should go to a doctor and figure out what's wrong with me.

I can never sleep at night and my minds always racing.

i have tinnitus so that causes me stress+ insomnia. best solution i found is to take some melatonin. i got the 3mg ones cause i read the 5mg might be too much and can cause morning drowsiness+ headaches.

i have tinnitus in my left ear and i feel like it's gonna drive me crazy somedays. do you know of any ways to calm it down?
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