the thread about nothing...

Just saw the movie Flight and it was so overrated.

I liked it, it wasn't this great movie but I felt like it dragged at points.

I honestly would've preferred if he had woke up in the hospital from the get and then at the end show the first 25, that would've been door and everyone would've been like :wow: :nerd:
racism is definitely passed down from generation to generation, therefore it isn't going anywhere..

just look at the westboro baptists church, some of the little kids are even bigger bigots than the older people.
Crazy to think that in all likelihood, my children won't really know what Racism is except through history.

I dont know where you're from, but its still very real

we can only hope that the world our children are raised in is a better place though

Racism will always exist.

It's not a genetic trait,'as long is someone is there to teach it, it's never leaving sadly :smh:

Just trolled licensed to ball in his thread :lol: :lol:


Thanks bruh...
racism doesn't exist! wtf are you TAN members talking about?
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I sometimes wonder if NTers have ever stepped into the real world :lol:

Why do people get so mad when something not TAN related is mentioned?

I don't think it's that serious lol
You should name it TAN (boy or girl)
whens the shower?

There already was one

Hence why she's preggo
pee pee doesn't make you pregnant? 
I don't suppose I will ever live this he/she down rndmdude? ah well. 

not sure what you're talking about PBR, don't want to know either. psh

thanks for the suggestion Nowitzness, I was just debating whether It should be T.A.N or TAN.  it's going to be 
Why do people get so mad when something not TAN related is mentioned?

I don't think it's that serious lol

Because Meth has said a bunch of times that he will lock the thread if he keeps seeing stuff like that in here.

anything that there is already a thread for should be posted there and not here. I dont think thats too much to ask
Why do people get so mad when something not TAN related is mentioned?

I don't think it's that serious lol

Because Meth has said a bunch of times that he will lock the thread if he keeps seeing stuff like that in here.

anything that there is already a thread for should be posted there and not here. I dont think thats too much to ask
But that thread SUCKS.

but how bad would this thread suck if it was locked?
Been catching up on this thread, y'all wild :lol:.

Racism will always exist shoeking, sorry. Humans aren't content with being the same, we crave the need to stand out, what more obvious way than by just looking at you. Then we look at your bank account, where you live....etc. It's neverending. Racism just doesn't require any thought at all so it's always gonna be there.
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