the thread about nothing...

Jesse and Kelly weren't signed on for the full season and they needed someone to replace them so they signed Tori. It was weird because it was a long season split into two parts.

The high school finale aired on Saturday morning in its usual time slot and then the College Years debuted that same night in prime time to show the "maturity" of their lives now.

I've looked all this up before. :\ SBTB nerd outchea

What corny line did Slater say to Belding when he confessed to crashing the drivers ed car in the hallway?
Damn I was messed up Saturday night, took all damn day yesterday to recover :smh:

My parents did me so cruddy when I use to live with them

I decided when I moved out I would never speak to them again or return to my old house

I moved out in December and have stuck to not keeping in contact with them

The rest of my family thinks I should just drop it and go see them

They all think I’m in the wrong lol

If only they knew the stuff that went on when I lived there

I was in a similar situation to yours when I moved out July 2011. Hated my parents, just wanted to get the F out. Packed up and left without saying a word to them. Didn't say anything to them or see them for a lil over a year. I didn't wana drop anything at all since they were in the wrong....blah blah blah

We all good now tho
My parents did me so cruddy when I use to live with them

I decided when I moved out I would never speak to them again or return to my old house

I moved out in December and have stuck to not keeping in contact with them

The rest of my family thinks I should just drop it and go see them

They all think I’m in the wrong lol

If only they knew the stuff that went on when I lived there

describe "cruddy".
My dude can't wash clothes
describe "cruddy".

I have a Brother and Sister who weren’t charged rent but I was. They both were both given brand new cars too. My car was old and stayed having problems.

Brother went on to total his car (Drunk) and almost kill himself and two friends. Parents brushed it off.

Brother was given the biggest room in the house. No job and didn’t pay rent.

My Father broke into my room and stole my HD box to put in the living room.

Parents always treated me like the black sheep of the family. Haven’t had help from them since I was 16. Brother and Sister get pretty much anything they want.

They text me all the time talking about come over and we miss you. Not buying it at all.
I have a Brother and Sister who weren’t charged rent but I was. They both were both given brand new cars too. My car was old and stayed having problems.

Brother went on to total his car (Drunk) and almost kill himself and two friends. Parents brushed it off.

Brother was given the biggest room in the house. No job and didn’t pay rent.

My Father broke into my room and stole my HD box to put in the living room.

Parents always treated me like the black sheep of the family. Haven’t had help from them since I was 16. Brother and Sister get pretty much anything they want.

They text me all the time talking about come over and we miss you. Not buying it at all.

were you the oldest or youngest?

did something happen?


kinda wild man

were you the oldest or youngest?

did something happen?


kinda wild man :\

I’m the oldest and their first son

Feels like I was living in the Twilight Zone when I lived there

Just a taste of I went thru

My parents can keep crying their eyes out for all I care

They won’t be hearing from me anytime soon

were you the oldest or youngest?

did something happen?


kinda wild man
I’m the oldest and their first son

Feels like I was living in the Twilight Zone when I lived there

Just a taste of I went thru

My parents can keep crying their eyes out for all I care

They won’t be hearing from me anytime soon
i have heard situation like this before bruh. in this world you come first and everyone else follows. if someone in your life is stopping you from being happy regardless if its your own blood, they should not be part of your life until they get their **** together. hope it works out for you.
i have heard situation like this before bruh. in this world you come first and everyone else follows. if someone in your life is stopping you from being happy regardless if its your own blood, they should not be part of your life until they get their **** together. hope it works out for you.

Exactly. I have even lost 15 pounds and have been stress free since I got away from that situation.

I could care less what my family thinks.
No offense but that doesn't sound too bad really.

They only stole your HD box and put it downstairs. Other then that they just didn't help you like they did your other siblings. Aka you led the same life as people who's parents didn't have the means?

I understand though being bitter because you were slighted. But did they steal money from you? Not fill out your college fasfa because they refused to help you? Force you to bail them out when the house was getting forclosed on?

You ever think they knew you could handle life better and your siblings can't. That you were the responsible one that they never had to worry about?
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What Nowitzness said.

Hope everyone's weekend was spectacular.

Was gonna go to a wedding but these ******* crazy, let me say it again (these ******* crazy).

Hiked 2 peaks over the weekend to ease some tension and I am now paying for it.
I know dat feel bruh. My little sister had 2 DUI and my parents took care of the legal stuff and bought her a car right after! She never worked in her life and never paid for a damn thing. My dad would pack her food everytime and when I visit, he never offers talking about "she can't afford to buy food so this is all for her". My parents only hits me up when they need something but never really check up on me and see if I'm still alive. I don't even think they know me anymore but I've already accepted that. I tried to make an effort but everytime I make plans with them, it somehow fails.

Oh, and when they go on vacations, I'm never invited. They would tell me maybe a few days before their trip. **** sucks maine 
Anyone ever get to the point where they are just burned out from everything? I think I've finally reached that point seriously :smh:

Yup. Last year working 2 gigs. Worked 10-12 days straight in some stretches. It was crazy. It became too much and I had to leave the secong gig. I definitely know that feeling.
Anyone ever get to the point where they are just burned out from everything? I think I've finally reached that point seriously :smh:

Yup. Last year working 2 gigs. Worked 10-12 days straight in some stretches. It was crazy. It became too much and I had to leave the secong gig. I definitely know that feeling.

That's exactly what I'm doing. Working 2 gigs plus djing. I'm putting the wife through school until next year and then the payoff arrives. Probably will only keep this 2nd gig till Labor weekend.
Today's diatribe of vaguely insightful ******** is on the widespread theory that "******* ain't ****". Although it is true that most females are indeed unworthy of a kinder evaluation, some are...this letter is to both parties. Enjoy, or something.

*fittedwearer's note: Even though I severely doubt it, I'm willing to accept the possibility that this is just a statistical anomaly involving a random glut of really shot out chicks living within the Philadelphia city limits...but other than that, I mean the living hell out of everything I'm about to type.

I know I spend a lot of time ragging on the females of my's not my fault, many are some of the most ****** up persons ever to touch 2 feet to the surface of the Earth. I mean, females have always been crazy (yes, all of you...and the likable ones just contain a form of craziness compatible with whoever likes them), but that's old-school crazy. We've dealt with that as men for thousands of years, and loved them anyway.

No, this is a new breed of ***** entirely...self-centered, entitled, profligate, irresponsible, unstable, lacking any kind of goals or direction, totally undomesticated (I mean that in both the homemaker sense and the sense that they can't be brought inside a place where other people are without a regrettable incident), attention whoring and ***** whoring, all served with a side of Beyonce-flavored superwoman (or Bizarro *****, in this case) attitude that is almost inexplicable when paired with the other attributes that many of them possess.

In short, those ******* ain't ****. You hear no shortage of men willing to attest to this....and why not, it's true! In fact, I'd hazard a guess that well over 75% of the female population of an average city (or just this one) holds absolutely no merit other than what you can see. However, every so almost never, one encounters a female with her head pointing at the correct angle.

She, with her caring ways, sensible nature, functioning moral compass, talents, independent attitude AND capabilities, and...all the other stuff that's the opposite of those bad things I wrote before...should be honored and celebrated. In fact, she's exempt from the "******* ain't ****" theory at large...she's not a ***** at all, she's a real woman! Many don't take the time to make that distinction...I will.

Dear real women,

**** you, you dippy, fraudulent broad. (Sorry, had to scare off all the chicks who don't deserve to read this letter but just spent the last 2 paragraphs going "oh, that's me!" Stop reading this. Kill yourself. You're part of why a lot of us have trouble with this distinction now.)

Okay, now that the riff-raff is gone, I can say what I have to say. I wanted to let y'all know that somebody out here appreciates what you're doing. Seriously, you stand out from the crowd like the rest of the world is black-and-white and you're in HD. If you deserve to read this letter, you're beautiful. You may or may not be physically attractive, but let me tell you your beauty is beyond question.

It can't be easy to live in a ****** up world and remain an un****** person, but I'm asking you to try. I know there's not a lot of reasons for you to be the way you are nowadays, with everyone around you acting a damn fool and seemingly being rewarded for it...but it's very refreshing to still have slivers of faith in femalekind, and it's all because of ladies like you.

My mommy told me you existed. She told me what to look for in a woman...unfortunately, the only benefit many of your peers have is the only one my mommy would likely never tell me to look for (and if she did, that would have made a very awkward conversation). Not you. You're different. You have merit as a person. You can hold a conversation, speak in sentences with more than 4 words...hell, I'm even interested in you when your nipples aren't showing.

You may be a college student trying to make it, trying to start a career, attempting to raise a reasonably well-adjusted child, or otherwise trying to take over the world...whatever it is, I respect it. You know why? Because it's not "nothing". There's nothing sexy about a lack of ambition, and yours looks good on you.

I know a lot of guys can't or won't see it. They'll go right for the smoking-hot but otherwise worthless ***** and pass right over your ideal self, then when she flakes off we say "******* ain't ****" and wish we had a good woman...meanwhile the luckiest of us could have had you all along.

Of course, by the time we figure out happiness is greater than hotness, we're usually all a little older and you've found someone who can appreciate all your gifts, leaving us **** out of luck. It's the same thing I (rightfully) accuse females of doing with "nice guys"....but trust me, anyone who can't appreciate your gifts and presence shouldn't be someone whose party you're interested in, anyway. I refuse to be that guy, and that's why I'm writing this.

Really, I just want you to know how valuable you can be. You are the rarest of finds nowadays. Gold prices skyrocket in uncertain times...when our new-age currency  loses worth, people find security in it. A similar effect happens in the romantic world...when our new-age currency of temporary affection and serial orgasms loses worth, people find security in the love of a good partner. When global shortages like this one go down, the worth of a decent woman is astronomical. Realize that you're premium goods and that you deserve better than sale rack shoppers...most of the guys who complain that "******* ain't ****" ain't **** themselves. 

I beg the few who were qualified to read this, don't change. Most of the men you run across won't deserve it at all, but eventually one might and you can't risk shortchanging a guy like that. A pretty girl or a fine ***** is a good look on your arm at a cookout, at a fancy restaurant, or taking a kinetic nap in between your thighs. A beautiful woman is a good look in your life.

I recognize the difference, and believe it or not, a few other guys do too. Once a good girl goes bad, she IS gone forever...I'm just asking you not to go. Like I said, it's certainly true that ******* ain't ****...but then again, you're not one at all (the majority of the time), are you? If you can, try and keep it that way...a lucky guy will thank you one day.


...anyway, how's everybody's day going? Even though I barely keep track of the days, Monday manages to somehow retain its' characteristic suckiness.
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