the thread about nothing...

that shhh was like.. POP!!!! 
This girl on I Used To Be Fat right now...
"How much weight do you want to lose?"
"Uh...I still need to be thick"
now i know that you're jimmies are rustled.
Luckily, you can't report me for telling the truth.
My jimmies rustled?Son please.I was posting in the women threads b4 we had this
silly rep system.I stopped caring about the reps a while ago.I never embraced my 4,000th reps you clown.
My jimmies rustled?Son please.I was posting in the women threads b4 we had this
silly rep system.I stopped caring about the reps a while ago.I never embraced my 4,000th reps you clown.
But you did just now embraced the 4000th rep.
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