the thread about nothing...

Nothing that I eat has a strong odor in my opinion, but if it did I would have no issues eating in my car. Rob has 4600 reps wow never even noticed
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now i know that you're jimmies are rustled.
Luckily, you can't report me for telling the truth.
My jimmies rustled?Son please.I was posting in the women threads b4 we had this
silly rep system.I stopped caring about the reps a while ago.I never embraced my 4,000th reps you clown.
You sound hurt or rather, it sounds like your jimmies are rustled.

You've posted hundreds of girl pix for reps, props, etc but somehow I'm the clown.

As I've said before, I don't have anything against you.

You poke fun at others, but when people do it to you, you get butt hurt.
Who remembers some youtube video from a while back about a dude who was showing off his fake clear air jordans?

He says stuff like: aye my man pass me those, ye ain't even got these, young fly and rich, etc.

Who knows what I'm talking about?

Post the vid please.
Young & Rich on use tube 

i ain't even a rapper i just cut hair

talks about fashion fashion fashion but has a walmart t shirt
Who remembers some youtube video from a while back about a dude who was showing off his fake clear air jordans?

He says stuff like: aye my man pass me those, ye ain't even got these, young fly and rich, etc.

Who knows what I'm talking about?

Post the vid please.
Young & Rich on use tube 

i ain't even a rapper i just cut hair

talks about fashion fashion fashion but has a walmart t shirt
What kills me is the "hand me those" part.

This dude better not be cutting hair still.
That vid will never not be funny. If his mans was in the bathroom with him, why didn he hold the camera? LOLOLOL. TAN V Rob is happening again
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