the thread about nothing...

Well since this is a new account I can just lie about my post count and join date :smile: you dont know me you don't know what I've been thru ! I've been NT'n since 1999 ya smell me ?
Well since this is a new account I can just lie about my post count and join date :smile: you dont know me you don't know what I've been thru ! I've been NT'n since 1999 ya smell me ?

Oh so you only go back to '99 huh?

I don't know why I ordered tickets for an 8 am showing to The Dark Knight Rises. I don't want to wake up tomorrow at 5 or 6 to go wait in line.

Bruh are you serious? 8am on a Saturday? Why? Unless you have plans all day I can understand but damn why so early? I'm not trying to diss I'm just curious as to why so early.
I want my old name back. I don't even care about the post count or join date.

After all, it's common knowledge I joined NT in 1989 using a Macintosh computer and just went over the 1,000,000 post mark this past June.
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I want my old name back. I don't even care about the post count or join date.

After all, it's common knowledge I joined NT in 1989 using a Macintosh computer and just went over the 1,000,000 post mark this past June.
Hold on hold on i wanna be cool and be the first to call you a noob
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