the thread about nothing...

literally nothing. drank, went to a bar, it was pretty dead. 

Plus I'm pretty tired right now. Worked 7-6 on thursday, had a basketball game at 8, then worked from 10 pm-8am, then work again at my other job today at 10-6. I am beat.
i'm thinking about hitting the clubs tomorrow and not drinking. i wanna be prime for juicy j on sunday.
Sorry for your losses man :frown:
Stay Strong.

Thanks. Not gonna lie, I'm cryin. Crazy to think how young some NTers are and that when was their age the friendships I have/had with these guys were just beginning. You get caught up with your own lives and time passes you by. It's been said before and no matter how obvious it is life is no joke and you cant take anything or anyone for granted.
have fun at your sisters wedding bro. come up on some single girls there. :pimp:

Bro since you changed your avy I always add it to your response :lol:

I read it, "have fun at your sister's wedding bro. come up on some single girls there :x" :lol:

I'm ready for em', met a few already at the rehearsal today :pimp:

DEAD @ my moms trying to put me on with some too

i'm thinking about hitting the clubs tomorrow and not drinking. i wanna be prime for juicy j on sunday.

There has to be a way to be prime for both nights, at least that's my train of thought whenever I got out multiple nights :lol:
:rofl: i just was testing it out trying to figure out how to get an avy. now i'm just gonna have to rock with it. :lol:

those rehearsals are always pretty fun. well weddings in general are, i just don't really like to give speeches. :lol: no shame, my mom does that too. she's actually talked me into a few bad girls before and it worked.

man eff it, i say this now knowing damn well i'll be buzzed by the time i leave work. maybe i'll just pre game and i wont spend 100 bucks.
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Thanks. Not gonna lie, I'm cryin. Crazy to think how young some NTers are and that when was their age the friendships I have/had with these guys were just beginning. You get caught up with your own lives and time passes you by. It's been said before and no matter how obvious it is life is no joke and you cant take anything or anyone for granted.

I feel you man, I was having a similar conversation last night with my friend. We are all at a point where we have our own lives but we want to make sure we appreciate the time we all have together with each other + family now. I know I did the same thing with my dad..I always thought he would be around. I felt like I took for granted thinking he would always be here. I gotta appreciate life while I'm here.
went to see the dark knight at 1am, by the time i got home it was 430 :x

woke up to go to work at 7:30 :x

worked fro 9 - 5......then like a dumbass went out to bar with some co workers where i got tore up :smh: :smh:

5:30 - 9 got drunk as ****, got home, passed, woke up at 2AM :smh: :smh:

its now 4:30 and im not tired :frown:
-trying to get use to the new nt, 

-freaking guy shooting up the the theater, now over secure movie theaters doing sillyness to make sure duche's like these are out of the movies.

-met guy fieri the other day.  Son is really cool.  Down to earth.

-last day with my theripist was the other day.  Really gonna miss her because I had some really good convo's with her plus not a bad peice of eye candy

-sweating this job thing alot. Can't wait to get this thing over with.

-loving my new barber.  Fresh cut got me feeling good.
-trying to get use to the new nt, 
-last day with my theripist was the other day.  Really gonna miss her because I had some really good convo's with her plus not a bad peice of eye candy
-sweating this job thing alot. Can't wait to get this thing over with.
-loving my new barber.  Fresh cut got me feeling good.

- so what happens? :nerd: do you get a new one? does she recommend one? do you stop going?

- new job or getting fired :nerd:

- my barber is going on vaca for 3 weeks..... the struggle games will begin :smh: :smh: may the odds be in my favor
:rofl: i just was testing it out trying to figure out how to get an avy. now i'm just gonna have to rock with it. :lol:
those rehearsals are always pretty fun. well weddings in general are, i just don't really like to give speeches. :lol: no shame, my mom does that too. she's actually talked me into a few bad girls before and it worked.
man eff it, i say this now knowing damn well i'll be buzzed by the time i leave work. maybe i'll just pre game and i wont spend 100 bucks.

I'm glad for sure I don't have to be any speeches, at least I hope not...If I'm buzzed, who knows :lol:

speaking of pre-game. I probably spend more money when I do it..which is *** backwards

word faulk...NT is finally settling in for me, getting used to it....that ST **** is still mind blowing to me
I'm glad for sure I don't have to be any speeches, at least I hope not...If I'm buzzed, who knows :lol:
speaking of pre-game. I probably spend more money when I do it..which is *** backwards
word faulk...NT is finally settling in for me, getting used to it....that ST **** is still mind blowing to me

you're not lying. me and my boy always put down a bottle before we go out if we pregame. all that means is we'll drink the same if not more and just be stupid hammered.
just got home from playin some ball.

check NT and thread hasnt reached 600 yet 

dunno wat to do now
- so what happens?
do you get a new one? does she recommend one? do you stop going?
- new job or getting fired

- my barber is going on vaca for 3 weeks..... the struggle games will begin
may the odds be in my favor
-I get a new one, but taking a subatical till oct 

-getting fired. on a strike 3 type situation and my name was forged on some papers to work and I didn't show, so got a call out on my record 

-I hope it works out for you.  Didn't wanna go back to my usual one, son sucks with the straight edge.  Cut me once, I ignored it.  Then he cut me again and gushing blood after I leave the shop.
Made that bonfire I said I was gonna get started, it was chill. Not much excitement just a simple good old day when nothing goes wrong :pimp:
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@Lou Baton. Sorry for your losses, fambs. Stay positive, they're in a better place now.


It's been raining for the last 14+ hours :x
Since it's so wet, I can't eem wear my clear soles doe :smh: :x
I work tonight as well :x

Going to see TDKR when I get off work though :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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