the thread about nothing...

Damn, that "Billet Inc" dude was mad annoying in his 3 posts here in the thread. (from like 2/3 pages back) Glad he stepped out of here, or stopped posting.. :smh: :rolleyes

Pabs, have fun @ that wedding fambo,

scoring titles lasted on ndc way longer than oly 7's, woke up to all of em sold out |I
Damn, that "Billet Inc" dude was mad annoying in his 3 posts here in the thread. (from like 2/3 pages back) Glad he stepped out of here, or stopped posting.. :smh: :rolleyes
Pabs, have fun @ that wedding fambo,
scoring titles lasted on ndc way longer than oly 7's, woke up to all of em sold out |I

Just contributing to the "useless thread "
Just contributing to the "useless thread "
I wouldn't consider posting half-witted responses, that no one can tell if srs or not "contributing" :smh:
also, it's called "the thread about nothing" famb...I'm jsut sayin, 24 posts deep, tread'd be surprised at how quickly people here lose patience with nonsense responses. Just a heads up...

Carry on
I had no idea bane was the guy from inception he can act his *** off


nah but seriously check out Bronson.....

also hes gonna be the new Mad Max :pimp:
I wouldn't consider posting half-witted responses, that no one can tell if srs or not "contributing" :smh:
also, it's called "the thread about nothing" famb...I'm jsut sayin, 24 posts deep, tread'd be surprised at how quickly people here lose patience with nonsense responses. Just a heads up...
Carry on

It's the thread about nothing therefore it's the useless thread if I could change the name of this thread it'll be "post whoring thread vol.1,231,567" and if your referring to all the post "acting " like an OG NT is just bs post doing what I see most of these guys posting especially when they see a new member with x amount of post ........
I'm glad for sure I don't have to be any speeches, at least I hope not...If I'm buzzed, who knows :lol:
speaking of pre-game. I probably spend more money when I do it..which is *** backwards
word faulk...NT is finally settling in for me, getting used to it....that ST **** is still mind blowing to me

you're not lying. me and my boy always put down a bottle before we go out if we pregame. all that means is we'll drink the same if not more and just be stupid hammered.

Pretty much, pregame just means more alcohol instead of saving dough. You just wanna keep that buzz going. SMH.
going to visit my padre in the hospital today. wish my emotional self luck. it's hard to look at him but i'm getting better at being emotionless these days  
It's the thread about nothing therefore it's the useless thread if I could change the name of this thread it'll be "post whoring thread vol.1,231,567" and if your referring to all the post "acting " like an OG NT is just bs post doing what I see most of these guys posting especially when they see a new member with x amount of post ........
::glances over at my join date::
::repeats my last instructions about you not posting non-funny/uninteresting nonsense::
::closes the book on that topic::

EDIT::wow: what happened to my 2002 join date? hahaha was there yesterday...:lol:

on the Guy Fieri post above.
A close friend that went to school with my girl is really good family friends with him (Back when I was still in norcal) She drops his name all the damn time..mad annoying, but along with it she always says he is "the biggest self absorbed douche nozzle on earth"

Plus, that hair... :smh:
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The OG SN has returned.

:lol: @ only 1 post but at least they got my join date right. 8 :wow: years
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The OG SN has returned.
:lol: @ only 1 post but at least they got my join date right. 8 :wow: years
howd you sort that out?/whod you conact... yuku had my join date messed up when nt went over there....but when we moved over here, as of last night my 8/2002 date was back..then this morning i just realized my date has been adjusted again, and i've somehow gained 2000 posts :nerd:
howd you sort that out?/whod you conact... yuku had my join date messed up when nt went over there....but when we moved over here, as of last night my 8/2002 date was back..then this morning i just realized my date has been adjusted again, and i've somehow gained 2000 posts :nerd:
I originally PM'd NT support on Yuku and told them that I couldn't log-in to my account on the new NT. This is the first time I've logged in here.

I'm guessing that they're going through accounts, 1-by-1, and manually adjusting join dates and post counts.
::glances over at my join date::
::repeats my last instructions about you not posting non-funny/uninteresting nonsense::
::closes the book on that topic::
EDIT::wow: what happened to my 2002 join date? hahaha was there yesterday...:lol:
on the Guy Fieri post above.
A close friend that went to school with my girl is really good family friends with him (Back when I was still in norcal) She drops his name all the damn time..mad annoying, but along with it she always says he is "the biggest self absorbed douche nozzle on earth"
Plus, that hair... :smh:

Dude get over your self ....... Your join date is just as much useless as **** on a boy ...... Any dOuchebag could of made an account 10 years ago and still be a douche 10 years later .....
Dude get over your self ....... Your join date is just as much useless as **** on a boy ...... Any dOuchebag could of made an account 10 years ago and still be a douche 10 years later .....
since when did we bring negativity into this thread?...I was just offering some friendly advice dude... every post youve made in here is negative...we had a good vibe going on, just chill out b.
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