the thread about nothing...

Can someone please respond to this post with some inspiration or why I should go to the gym? I just came off working 8 hrs, chilled for 2 hrs and ate a very fufilling dinner. Its only 7:31 pm but I'm just not feeling it right now.
Can someone please respond to this post with some inspiration or why I should go to the gym? I just came off working 8 hrs, chilled for 2 hrs and ate a very fufilling dinner. Its only 7:31 pm but I'm just not feeling it right now.


If that doesn't hit you I don't know what will.

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£13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite
• Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy
• Private banks help wealthiest to move cash into havens

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.
So now people saying that the Dark Knight Rises Massacre was a conspiracy by the government to get stricter on the 2nd amendment......

If that doesn't hit you I don't know what will.

I saw both quotes before while lurking the Motivation thread but its so true :lol:. I need to stop thinking about the "me" now and be more concerned with the "me" a week from now. That mindset can also be incorporated into studying, doing homework, stacking paper and just any goal you're trying to reach. Thanks!
A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

I can only imagine the money they don't know about
So now people saying that the Dark Knight Rises Massacre was a conspiracy by the government to get stricter on the 2nd amendment......
If it was true I wouldn't be surprised but everything gets turned into a conspiracy
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£13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite
• Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy
• Private banks help wealthiest to move cash into havens
A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

que Nas ,gif

i'm in the market for a pet wolf :nerd:
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